2018 Reflections….
I can hardly believe we are at the end of 2018 already and while it’s not quite over yet, I’m finding myself in reflection mode. What’s interesting is I am not usually a ‘reflector’ this time of year.
In years past, I’ve found myself flying full-speed into the next year with tons of exciting goals, intentions and plans on my plate. But this year I’m feeling called to reflect on some key aspects and lessons of the year that I want to share with you.
Energy: I don’t know about you but 2018 has come with an interesting energy. Some months were amazing and others felt incredibly challenging, but overall this year seemed to be about LESSONS.
It almost felt like we were triggered in big ways in order to grow and evolve. And if we didn’t learn the lesson the first time, trust and believe that bad boy came back again and again until we got it.
(Good news though: The energy of 2019 feels SO MUCH LIGHTER. While we will still be growing and evolving next year, 2019 feels like it’s going to be about moving forward and really seeing how we can do that which is pretty exciting!)
Intentions & Actions: I want to say that I’ve achieved all the things I set out to do in 2018, but I didn’t and that’s ok. The truth is, I set some pretty massive intentions for the year, some of which I followed up with a plan of action (hello fitness plan!) and others I did not (my book!).
You can probably guess which things were more successful right? Believe me, I’ve learned my lesson! This year when I set my 2019 intentions, I’ll be following those intentions up with a plan of action, even if it’s just the first step because I’ve learned that intention without action doesn’t work so well.
Consistency, consistency, consistency: Every year I read the book, The Compound Effect because it reminds me how small changes done consistently over time create massive results. I’ve had great success with this in my mindset practice and daily workouts, but there are other areas (my financial goals + my book) where I’d like to see more expansion.
Looking back at 2018, I can see how I allowed life hiccups to get in the way of my consistency, so the plan is to cultivate a few more habits that will help keep me on track in 2019.
Have you taken some time to reflect on how far you’ve come and what you still need support on in the year ahead?
If not, I highly recommend you do it asap. It’s a pretty amazing exercise that will show you how far you’ve come and where you might need a bit of extra support for 2019.
Speaking of extra support…let’s get to the BIG NEWS shall we?
As I was putting the notes together for the Break the Cycle workshop last week, I started thinking about the KEY pieces we all need to really EXPAND in 2019 and decided to create something I’ve never done before.
Introducing…EXPAND 2019.

This is a 6-week 1:1 program that will provide all the tools you need to expand and succeed in 2019.
Most of my 1:1 programs are intuitively led, this program is broken down into specific steps that we build upon week after week with your individualized intentions in mind.
This 6-week program includes:
–> 6-weeks of 1:1 coaching & unlimited email/video support
–> 4-60 minute coaching calls
–> Individualized action plan for your intentions
–> BONUS gift sent directly to you to enhance your expansion for 2019
Here’s what we are going to cover:
Week 1: Intentions/vision planning
Week 2: Mindset Clear Out
Week 3: Consistency Camp (building habits/practices to support you)
Week 4: Individualized Action Plan
Weeks 5-6: Implementation & Support
Investment: $497 or 2 payments of $275
We start in January and there are only 5 spots available, so if you are ready to kick off the year with total clarity and the tools you need to make your dreams come true in 2019 then this is for you!!
Hit the link below to get signed up. Once you’ve signed up, I’ll send you an email with all the info for the pre-work, as well as the link to get scheduled.
This is going to be EPIC! I can’t wait to get started!
Not sure if this is the “right” program for you?
Send me an email to lamisha (at) lamishaserfwalls.com with your questions or concerns and I’ll help you make the best decision for you, 🙂
In the meantime, take some time to reflect on 2018 and be honest with yourself about what you’ve learned and what you are ready to change for 2019.
Ready to sign up?