**PSA: If you haven’t entered The Desire Map Planner Giveaway I am hosting over on my Instagram, head on over and follow the instructions in the giveaway post. The winner will be announced THIS afternoon!**
As you can see I’m a bit behind the eight ball getting this email out to you, but it’s a bit indicative of the energy I’ve been feeling with the kick off of a new year.
Usually, I hit the round running the moment the clock strikes midnight, but this year for some reason I’m mozying into my new habits, goals, and intentions with a bit of a relaxed energy. (Blame it on the new moon energy from this past weekend or maybe it’s the celery juice I’ve been drinking every morning for the last 10 days and it’s detoxing properties.) . Either way, I’m easing into the year and feeling (mostly) good about it.
But as I’ve been a bit more relaxed with my intentions, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want 2019 to be about. I guess you can say I’m a bit more intentional with my intentions ya know?
Instead of just throwing a word out there to focus on for 2019 or setting intentions I think I “should” be setting as a mother/wife/entrepreneur etc., I’ve really thought about what I want this year to be for me?
As I was thinking about it, I also started thinking about what I wanted to FEEL in 2019 versus just what I wanted to DO and I realized I want to feel a variety of feelings including:
–> Love (both given and received)
–> Connected (to myself and others)
–> Free (in every aspect of my life)
–> Playful (less “serious” more fun)
–> Stretched (expanding my comfort zone with intention)
–> Proud (of it all)
–> Adventurous (by taking more risks)
Then I realized my word of the year encompasses ALL of these things because I want to LEVEL-UP in 2019 in my mind, body, soul, relationships, finances, and business.
I’m still working through some of my next-best-steps for my specific intentions this year, but I’m loving the vibe that’s coming from my word (phrase) of the year.
Have you chosen a word (or phrase) for 2019 yet? If so, shoot me an email and let me know!
Now, whether you set resolutions, goals, intentions or choose a word/phrase for your year or not, I believe it’s important to have some way of setting your vision for the year ahead. After all, energy flows where your attention goes and what better way to make your vision a reality than by DECIDING what you want for the year ahead.
So my question for you is this…
Is this going to be THE YEAR for you?
Is this the year you FINALLY….
–> Start your debt free journey???
–> Level-up your self-care and fitness & STICK TO IT??
–> Bite the bullet and start your business???
–> Put yourself out there to meet new people??
–> Get going on your ever-growing bucket list??
–> Get your mind right and tap into the magic that is YOU??
–> Find your passion/purpose in life and GO for it??
The answer to ALL of those questions is this…
YES it CAN be the year you do any or all of those things, but you have to DECIDE it is and then….(and this is the part that messes people up year-after-year) you have to create the HABITS to make it happen.
But because so many people believe that building new habits is HARD, they don’t do it or if they do, the sabotage themselves a few weeks into the new habit.
Truth: Building habits or new beliefs isn’t a hard process, it just requires consistency and accountability until it becomes part of your ‘new-normal’.
Read that last part again (and maybe a few more times to really allow it to settle in) and then grab your journal and make a list of intentions, goals, and actions you’re READY to build new habits and beliefs around.
Remember: If you’re just shifting the actions and not also shifting the beliefs around those actions, it’s going to be a lot more difficult to maintain and achieve your goals. #mindset
So, here’s the deal…I’ve opened up 5 spots (make that 4, one is already taken) to work with you on doing all of the above to get clear on your vision for 2019, develop an individualized mindset plan, implement new habits and create some action steps to help you make 2019 THE YEAR for you. AND I’m doing it at a discounted rate ($497) than I usually charge for January only (or when all spots sell out).

So, if you’re ready to EXPAND in 2019 and want to fill your toolbox with all you need to succeed, book your free chat and let’s see if this is a good fit for you.
(Note: If you are a current or past client who is interested in this program reach out to me directly and we can chat about getting you signed up.)
Let’s harness the energy of 2019 and make it the BEST year so far, yeah?