I have learned a lot about the value of gratitude over the last couple of years and how important it is in life in general. I have also realized that as I continue to learn patience and the concept of divine timing for my dreams to materialize, being grateful for the little things happening now is even more important. With that said, I wanted to incorporate a little bit of gratitude each week by listing a few moments I am truly grateful for from the past week. My hope is that these posts will serve as a reminder to be mindful of the many wonderful moments in our lives now, no matter where we are on our path.
The first thing I am grateful for this week is my son’s infectious laughter. My sweet little boy can find humor in anything and I love it. From a silly face, to a funny noise, he is ready to burst into a fit of laughter at any moment. His joy for life is evident and reminds me everyday (when I am mindful) that life doesn’t have to be so serious, it can be fun too! On the days when I am more aware of the fun in life, I may break out in song or dance around our living room just to hear his big, belly laughs. During those moments I can’t help but be filled with immense gratitude and love for such an amazing moment shared with my little one.
The second thing I am grateful for this week is random kindness. Today I was the proud giver and receiver of a random act of kindness. As I was going to get my morning coffee (a treat for myself on Friday’s), I had planned on paying for the order behind me in the drive thru. I occasionally do this just as a way of spreading a little cheer in the world. As I pulled up to pay for my order I was informed that the woman in front of me had paid for my order. I was in awe and proceeded to pay for the woman behind me. (A side note: I allowed this woman to cut in front of me in line as she had been waiting a bit and had entered the drive thru from a second entrance and it might be awhile before anyone let her in. )
I was delighted and surprised that such a simple act of letting someone in front of you in line could multiply to 3 random acts of kindness. Can you imagine how quickly our world could change if we all committed to one random act of kindness a day or one act a week?
I invite you to be the giver of at least one random act of kindness this weekend. While you may not see the direct effect you have in that moment, trust that you have created a ripple of kindness that is sure to continue to spread.