97 Days left in 2018! What will you do with them?
As of today we have officially 97 days left of 2018!! I can hardly believe how quickly the year has flown by, but here we are.
The past 9 months have been a bit of a whirlwind of activity, travel, frustrations, joys, big goals, steady progress, and so much more.
There have been months when I felt like I was lacking all motivation and months when I couldn’t be more proud of all that I had experienced. But as we approach the final 97 days of 2018 I feel like I’ve gotten a second wind.
Instead of settling down for the holiday season, I’m feeling just as inspired as if it were January 1st. I’m pumped up and ready to rock out the rest of 2018 in a state of flow, abundance, inspiration, service, and so much more and as crazy as it might sound, I’m wondering if it’s just me.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately (one of my intentions for this year) and have been reading a great book called A Happy Pocket Full of Money (go grab it if you haven’t read it) and in it there was a discussion about goals and intentions and how many the average person has.
How many goals/intentions do you have for yourself right now?
I ask because the author suggests having at least 100 goals (on average) that you want to achieve in the next 30 years. If one of your desires is to be very wealthy they suggest at least 5,000.
Now, I’m not a stickler when it comes to statistics, however the argument is, the more goals you have the more you will achieve (and you will achieve them relatively faster than if you didn’t have them.) .
The author goes on to discuss the importance of writing down your goals and reading through them or visualizing them consistently, which brings me to my next question for you.
Do you have your goals written down? And do you review them regularly?
As you may know I am a goal-getter by nature and I routinely write down my goals for the year, month, and often the week ahead, but I’ve never sat down and created a full list of hundreds or thousands. To be honest, the idea of writing down thousands is a bit overwhelming. But, I was inspired.
I did a little (non-scientific) goals research and found that while some people in my circle set goals and write them down, most do not. Interesting huh?
This also got me thinking about how often I hear people (many of which are my clients before we begin working together) saying how they look up and all of a sudden it’s 10, 20, or even 30 years later and they wonder why they haven’t experienced more of what they truly wanted.
My guess is that they just weren’t as intentional or focused on their desires as much as they were focused on what they felt they “had” to do. Sprinkle in some mindset madness & limiting beliefs (that we all have) and you have a perfect formula for life passing you by.
The truth is the next 97 days are going to pass on by anyway but my question for you is…
HOW do you want them to FEEL?
What do you want to experience???
In the next 97 days…
• What will you choose to focus on?
• How will you choose to show up in the world?
• How will you choose to use your time?
• What will you choose to experience?
• What will you choose to achieve?
• What habits will you choose to create?
• What old things will you choose to shed?
• What new beliefs will you choose to plant in your subconscious?
How you answer (and act on) the questions will determine what you experience in the next 97 days. The power is yours and yours alone.
Before I move any further I want to make sure you know this is NOT a challenge for you to DO as much as you can in the next 97 days and drive yourself crazy…what I said about the old way not working anymore still stands. However, the NEW way also means you have to be clear on what it is you DESIRE. Not the ‘how’, but the ‘what’.
How to make the most out of the next 97 days…
1. Spend some time thinking about the next 3 months and how you want to feel through the end of the year.
2. Write down the intentions/goals that come to mind that you’d like to experience in the next 100 days.
3. Get quiet and see if you can feel into any specific first steps for the intentions you’ve set.
4. Take those actions.
5. Revisit your goals/intentions list daily or a few times a week.
6. Repeat steps 3-6.
Bonus steps:
–> Join the MindPower Collective group on Facebook as we will be doing an informal goals challenge through the end of the year. This is more about accountability and check-ins. Seeing where everyone is and I’ll be doing some videos here and there with updates and mindset tips to support everyone.
–> Book a 30-Minute Coaching Consultation to get some specific 1:1 mindset support for your goals and intentions over the next 97 days specifically. This isn’t necessary for everyone, however if you are the kind of person that knows you need some help building new mindset pathways and empowering your beliefs so you can achieve more, let’s chat.
With that said, I want to know if YOU are going to do any (or all) of the steps above and make the next 97 days the BEST 97 days of your life? I know I am!
In fact, I’m grabbing a new journal for this challenge to write down my top goals/intentions for the next 97 days AND I’ll be adding to it and creating a much bigger list for 2019. I can’t wait! Join me?
In the meantime, I’d love to know if YOU set goals regularly and write them down.
Post a comment below and let me know your goals process if you have one.