Can we all just agree that 2019 has been a bit weird so far? I’m going to chalk it up to the eclipses, crazy weather and school closings in my neck of the woods, but feel free to use those if they work for you too.
Anyway, as I work my way back to some semblance of a routine and get back to my regularly scheduled messages to YOU, I was super inspired to share my most recent aha that hit me just this morning.
My big aha: It’s time to BREAK your CADENCE!
Now for some context.
Last week, I started a new workout program that is only 20 minutes a day (thank goodness for that!). The focus is all about transforming your body & your MIND because you can’t really have one without the other.
Each day Shaun T (the trainer) provides these incredible messages throughout the workout to inspire you to keep going, push harder, and expand beyond what you think you can do.
Well, today’s message was all about getting into the rhythm of your step and then going BEYOND that rhythm. It was about breaking through your plateaus and moving beyond what’s become comfortable for you.
You see, today’s workout was all about SPEED. I’ll be the first to tell you I really hate cardio and I generally don’t choose high intensity programs because I know how challenging they are on my body. But the REASON I decided to start this program was to push myself beyond where I thought I could go.
If you want to EXPAND, you have to be willing to move BEYOND your comfort zone.
In other words you have to be willing to step out of your rhythm in your mind and your body in order to do something DIFFERENT.
Each time I found myself getting into a “comfortable” rhythm with my workout today, I pushed myself out of the cadence. I pushed myself to go a little harder and a little faster to test my limits and you know what I found? I COULD go further. I COULD do more. I COULD take it up a notch!
After my workout, those words “It’s time to break your cadence.” kept replaying in my mind and I couldn’t help but wonder where else it might apply.
If I’ve been holding myself back a bit in my workouts, where else have I been holding myself back?
In business?
In my mindset?
In my finances?
In building new relationships?
In new opportunities?
If I’m completely honest, I think I’ve probably been playing it safe in all of those areas and it changes TODAY.
You can do more than you THINK, sometimes you just need a little push.
If you’ve ever worked with me, you’ve probably heard me say this before, but I am living proof!
The very REASON people hire coaches, trainers, and mentors is because when you actively INVEST in the support, you push yourself beyond your comfort zone and EXPAND in pretty amazing ways.
It’s also the reason I am a firm believer in always investing in yourself whether that’s your business, health/fitness, personal growth or other areas of your life. By doing so you almost always will go further than you ever could alone.
So, as I ponder how I can continue to break the cadence in my own life, I want you to answer a few questions for yourself in hopes that they will inspire you to take the leap you didn’t know you needed in order to EXPAND in 2019.
A few questions for YOU…
• Where have you been playing it safe that is no longer serving you?
• What are you willing to do differently in order to transform your life?
• What areas of your life do you need the extra push to move forward?
• What happens if you don’t push yourself?
Are you ready to EXPAND & finally break the cadence?
If you answered YES to that last question, it’s time for us to have a little chat.
One thing I know for sure is that we can’t keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. And no matter how many times you SAY you want to change your life, if you don’t take consistent action & transform your mindset, nothing is going to change.
Nothing changes, if nothing changes.
YOU have to be willing to shake things up and try something different.
YOU have to be willing to show up for yourself.
YOU have to be willing to invest (time, money, energy etc.) in yourself.
YOU have to be HONEST about whether you’ve been going ALL IN or not and then DO something about it, if you haven’t been.
It’s all up to you. Right here, right now you have all the power to transform your life in all kinds of amazing ways and it all starts with a choice to change.
The best part is you don’t have to do it alone.
If you are open to receive the push, inspiration, accountability, mindset triage, and incredible support to get (and keep) you moving forward, I have some openings available for 1:1 coaching
Are you READY to break the cadence and push yourself a bit further than you thought you could go?
If so, click here and let’s chat and see if we are a good fit to work together. (Remember, I still have a few openings available for EXPAND 2019 at the discounted rate of $497, so book a call ASAP).
I look forward to chatting with you and helping you break through the barriers and plateaus that may have been holding you back!
Book your FREE 30-minute consultation here.
(P.S. If you are interested in learning more about the epic 20 min./day program I’ve been doing, post a comment below and I’ll send you the details. It’s incredible!)