With the holidays lurking just around the corner, I feel like there is so much to do and not enough time to complete everything. In the last few weeks, I have felt like I am playing a lot of catch-up on work stuff, personal stuff, and holiday stuff. When I begin to feel like things are unfinished, I have to just….breathe.
I am one of those people who enjoys being busy, but only when I am actually getting things accomplished. I love looking at my to do list and seeing that it is DONE. Very rarely do I actually accomplish everything on my list, so I often find myself in a constant state of things unfinished, but it doesn’t stop great feeling of putting a check mark next to the things that are complete.
In this process of lists, intentions, and often frustrating circumstances of many, (many) things being undone, I am learning that I can’t do it all, all of the time. The reality is that I can’t do everything that I want to be done in one day, and very rarely can I get it all done in a week. Life happens and with a 2-year old, two homes, two dogs, a full-time job, and my midnight hustle (a fun way to say my freelance writing work), life happens A LOT! So, I may never get it all done, and sometimes I might have to say no to a couple of things for my sanity, but I am learning (yay!), that it is ok.
You don’t get an extra reward for rushing through life doing, doing, doing, you get the most out of life from simply being. So as I venture into my evening with a crippling list of to-do’s, I’m going to intentionally let some things go, because I would much rather indulge in a little bit of down-time, than stress about what I can’t get done.
What is left unfinished in your world that you are ok with, if even for the moment?