Happy Friday Friends!
Over the last few weeks I’ve had so many thoughts and things roaming around in my mind that I want to share with you. While I want to share all*the*things right now, I’ve selected five that I think will be most helpful for you. Check them out below.
Friday 5: Food for thought
–> How long have you waited? Over the last two weeks I’ve had conversations with multiple women who have shared that they’ve been waiting years to take the leap and do their thing. Years! Not days, weeks or months. And while I can totally relate because I did the same thing before I took the leap to do this work (for the record it took me 11 years), I don’t want you to wait any longer than you have to…and the truth is, you don’t have to wait.
So let’s get real for a second. How long have you been waiting? How long have you been waiting to make the career change, take that leap, follow your heart, write the book, start the business or invest in yourself to see what else is possible for you? Has it been 10, 15 or maybe 20 years? Somewhere in between? I’d ask you why you’ve waited this long, but if you are like many people the answer is probably something related to not knowing how to begin or what you should do. While you may not know the entire path or step-by-step process, chances are you are feeling a call to do something. So, go do that something (even if it’s scary) & trust that the next something will show up…believe me it always does.
–> This is the work. Speaking of being called to do something, this is your friendly reminder that the changes you want to create in your life happen from the INSIDE–>out. The things you want to attract into your life begin with YOU. How you think, feel, focus, and the internal work you do regarding your mindset and energy is the not-so-secret sauce. Most people try to create the shifts through action and seeking “the thing” outside of themselves to no avail. Remember, action can only get you so far, but when you combine it with the mindset/energy work, you have all things working in your favor.
I say all of this to say there’s no magic thing that you are missing to make it all work. I know, because for the first 2-3 years in my business I kept searching for the “missing link”. If only I had/knew/implemented that one thing (that clearly I didn’t know because if I did things would be drastically different!) that would make it all work, then I could be successful. Turns out, I had it all along, but it took me another few years of trial-and-error for me to really understand the creative power we all have. It’s also why when you work with me, I’m not giving you anything that you don’t already have, I just teach you how to tap into it consistently and hold you accountable so you can see the true power you have. This is the work friends and it’s work only you can say yes to.
–> Make friends with this… I want to tell you that the work will be all sunshine and rainbows, but I’d be lying to you. As you begin to do the work on yourself, you will be confronted with some thoughts, beliefs and feelings that you didn’t know you had. As you take steps to clear out the old thoughts and challenge yourself to be, have, and do from that next-level (even before you get there), you will be uncomfortable. As the saying goes, if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you and many people tend to run away from challenges because…well it’s uncomfortable. But it’s in those moments you have to ask yourself what’s more uncomfortable…staying small & not changing at all or embracing the challenge & creating a life experience you love?
Do yourself a favor and make friends with the challenge and stop resisting what feels uncomfortable. Remember, the moment you feel the discomfort is also typically when you are the closest to getting to the other side. Embrace it, trust it, and continue to do the inner work necessary to believe in something bigger and better for you.
–> Your reason to believe… I’ve had many clients say to me…”Lamisha why should I believe that something is possible if I’ve never experienced it?” My answer is always this…”Because you want it and you can create it.”
I know that it’s so much easier to believe in something when you have the physical evidence to “prove” it. When you see something that makes you smile, it’s easy to feel happy. But, if what you desire is something bigger/better/different than what you’ve ever experienced you have to change the game. You have to choose to believe in that vision, practice it, do the inner work and watch as the evidence shows up for you. And I get it…it’s not always easy to believe in something bigger & better when you are experiencing the opposite of that, but it’s how it works. Trust me, there are strategies, tools, tips and practices to get you to believe more in your vision, even when it’s tough, but you can’t bypass the belief.
–>Day 103-A personal milestone. On November 1st 2020 I set a challenge to really go all-in on my mindset work & write out my goals every day through the end of the year just to see what would happen.
Here’s how it went: By day 14, I felt excited, inspired and my belief was through the roof! By day 21, I had already manifested one of the goals/intentions I had been writing down daily. By day 34 I manifested an opportunity to support one of my other intentions and around day 40 I had a massive breakthrough about a key belief that has been holding me back my entire life! The holidays came and went and by December 31st (day 61), so much had happened, I decided to keep going.
Today is day 103 of writing down my goals + doing my mindset work every single day and I can proudly say I’ll be doing this the rest of the year. This practice has been so good for me for a lot of reasons. Not only did I hit a business goal in January that I’ve been trying to hit for probably the last 4 years or so, but I can feel that my mindset/energy has leveled-up in a major way.
Yes, I am seeing some incredible shifts in what I’m creating (yay!), but I’m also seeing blocks, resistance, and beliefs that I didn’t even know were there! So many beliefs that have been holding me back that I didn’t even know about until I committed to my next-level desire. Another thing I am noticing is I am dreaming so much bigger. I generally write out the same goals daily (some general goals plus specific goals for the month or the year), but I’m also adding in things at one point I never thought were possible.
I don’t always *feel* like doing the mindset work and goals, but I do it anyway. It’s now a non-negotiable that will continue to be part of my practice through the end of this year because it works.
Why am I sharing all this with you?
1. I think it’s a super powerful practice that I encourage you to try if you feel called to.
2. I want you to see what is possible when you truly commit to the practice.
3. It’s important for you to listen to your intuition and follow it. This idea came to me at the end of October and I did it. I had no idea why or what would happen, but I did it and I’ve gotten so much out of just moving forward without a ton of expectation. My hope is it will inspire you to listen to your own nudges and act on them…even and especially when they don’t make sense. Do it and see what happens!
My challenge for you…
Take what resonates the most from what I’ve shared above and DO something with it.
Maybe you are inspired to finally take the leap, get support and do your thing. Or maybe you feel the call to grab your journal and start digging into your inner world in order to create outer changes. Or maybe you are feeling called to lean into the challenge that traditionally you avoid.
Whatever it is, my challenge for you is to take what resonates and use it in your life. None of this info is worth anything unless you apply it.
I’d love to know what part inspires you the most so feel free to hit reply and let me know.
P.S. The *only* way to work with me right now is in my 1:1 program so if you’re looking for support, accountability and guidance on how to tap into the power you’ve always had to create a life you love, click this link and let’s chat.