If there is anything I have learned in this life it is that we have an incredible creative power to make our lives what we want, regardless of any external conditions.
I’ll be honest, though. It took me a long time to get to that place.
For most of my life, I thought life was kind of a toss up. You win some, you lose some and for most people, life was a jumble of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Sure, there were people telling us we could be whatever we wanted to be, but the reality I lived in was so powerful, I’m not sure I believed it.
You can probably relate to this idea of ‘conditional living’ right?
There have probably been times when you allowed your external circumstances to dictate how you think and feel.
Bank account dipping close to zero=really crappy feelings and constant worry.
Relationship woes=feeling badly about yourself and your romantic future.
Struggling your way through a sucky job=suck it up buttercup, that’s just life.
But is that TRUE?
Do we just have to suck it up and hope for a better tomorrow or is there something we can actually do to create a better life?
The truth is, there is another way.
There is the infinite, powerful, creative way of living that changes everything.
Believe me…it changed my life.
Once I realized that *I* had control over how I think and feel and that those very thoughts and feelings had the power to shift and change my outer reality…magic happened.
I did things I never thought possible like start my business and help my clients change their lives.
I made more money.
I met my soulmate.
I bought a dream house.
Now, if you would have asked 16 year old me if this would ever be my future, I would have laughed at you because at that time, I didn’t think very highly of myself and I was living, eating, and breathing a life of lack.
I was merely trying to survive life…never mind THRIVING in life.
It’s actually kind of sad to think of, but it’s true.
My default setting was “I can’t…” and it didn’t matter what followed those words.
I didn’t think I could do anything. I didn’t think I was worthy of love, abundance, joy, or very much really.
BUT…that all changed, when I began shifting my mindset.
It took a few years of searching for the key to happiness before I landed in the world of personal-development and began doing some of the internal work necessary to change my life.
If ever you’ve wanted to change your life for the better, I can tell you first hand it all starts with your mindset.
We all have thoughts, beliefs, and old programming that we carry with us about ourselves, our lives, and how we interact with the world. Our mindset powers our beliefs which powers what we expect to experience. From there our reality is created.
But, what if with a bit of awareness, reprogramming, and a commitment to your new life, you could create instant shifts that would make you happier?
Would you be interested?
A huge portion of the work I do with my clients is based around mindset and helping them get out of the stinkin’ thinkin’ that keeps them stuck and unfulfilled and into the empowered, enlightened, life-giving space that creates miraculous shifts in their lives.
It’s also what inspired me to create a transformational Miracle Mindset Immersion program for YOU.
This is a 4 week group journey that has the potential to change your life forever. Mindset work is something we all need, especially if you aren’t exactly where you’d like to be in your life right now.
It all begins May 2nd and I’d love for you to join us! Early Bird pricing expires Monday April 25th at 11:59pm EST so if you are interested, get signed up asap! Click the button below for more details!