Yesterday I did a quick talk on Facebook Live regarding this idea of what we deem as ‘normal’ in our lives.
Everyday we experience life around us and we have expectations of what is coming based on past experiences.
The way we deal with money, love, our loved ones, our bosses, our jobs, and other people are all based out of the past.
We expect, react, respond, and play a part based on what we are used to experiencing.
So, it stands to reason that IF we don’t exactly like our external circumstances, then all we need to do is shift what we expect. I know it seems easier said than done.
But today, I want you to think a bit about what it is you have come to accept as your ‘norm’? What is a common occurrence that you simply expect because it’s happened so often?
Maybe it’s that you always barely make it to your next paycheck.
Maybe it’s that you always have date the liars and the cheaters.
Maybe it’s that you always lose 10lbs and then gain it right back.
Whatever it is for YOU is simply a reflection of your mindset.
As human beings we tend to stay where it is comfortable, even if it the circumstances seem a bit uncomfortable. If we are used to barely making it financially and we’ve allowed that to be our comfort zone then we will likely repeat those circumstances.
In order to shift that, we must first shift our mindset and what we expect.
I explain a bit more about how to do just that and how to create and live from your new reality in my live stream from yesterday. Hop on over and check it out.
If you know you are ready to leave your old expectations and nonsense behind so you can embrace a new expanded life for yourself, I encourage you to check out the Miracle Mindset Immersion Program that starts on July 25th. Early Bird registration is open now and rates jump by $100 on Monday July 18th.