Yesterday I wrote about patience and how it takes a lot of practice to attain, at least for me it does. I started thinking about how I could be more mindful of each moment as opposed to being so preoccupied with the future. I found that impatience isn’t the only challenge I have from time to time. I often find myself scatter-brained and lacking focus.
Recently I have found myself trying to pass the time waiting for certain pieces of my dreams to fall into place (i.e. waiting on possible publishing results of some of my work), by changing my focus and attempting to do many things at once. For instance at this very moment I am in the middle of reading 3 books at once, I have started a blog, and I work a full-time job amongst many other items that have my attention throughout the day. While I like to think I have it all together and can continue to juggle all of these items, I am afraid I am doing nothing more than scattering my energy inefficiently, leaving me feeling drained and frustrated.
Since I am typically a “fixer” of things, when I see there is a problem, I want to know what I can do to fix it…now. The joy of life is that not all things can be fixed in the blink of an eye and somethings don’t need “fixed” as much as they need to be re-evaluated or re-balanced. In this case, I think I need a bit of both in order to settle myself and adjust my focus.
In addition to being a “fixer”, I am very much a “doer”, meaning I pride myself on checking items off my to-do list and feel good when I see how much I have accomplished. This is not always a healthy thing, and can definitely become a problem as I move closer and closer to starting my own business. If I don’t address this now, my future may consist of working long hours with little separation between work life and personal life.
So where does that leave me today with my “fixer” and “doer” mentalities? Well, I think the first step is to stop for a moment and regroup. Instead of feeling like I need to always do something, maybe I need to just be in this moment and take it as it comes. This is yet another life lesson I know I am meant to learn. Instead of always focusing on getting through my dream list or my to-do list as quickly as possible, what if I simply enjoyed today for what it is and streamline my focus a bit?
What if???
What if this incessant feeling of being stuck is really a reminder to be in each moment as mindfully as possible and allow my dreams to unfold more naturally instead of trying to control everything? What if I focus more on the process and flow of life, as opposed to the destination? What if my lack of patience and focus is simply part of my path to achieving all that my heart desires?
If all of the above statements are true (and I believe most if not all of them are), then I welcome them with open arms and I intend to relax, regroup, and release my death grip on the future and open my awareness to today.
Food for thought:
What if at this very moment you are exactly where you are meant to be on your path to greatness, challenges and all? Do you welcome them, or wish them away??