I’ve been a bit MIA lately and there’s a reason for that.
In the last 2 weeks I’ve felt a bit off kilter in my journey. I felt the shift happen after I came back from a wonderful vacation and started to feel like there was a transformation that I was indeed preparing for. What that transformation included, I wasn’t sure, but I knew something was coming.
And sure enough it was.
I’ve had these moments before when I go through a major life upheaval with emotions running high and lots of blocks and beliefs that need released. It’s a process for me and one that I understand very well even if it feels like shit while I’m ‘in’ it. But, what I always know is that on the other side of this upheaval there is always light, purpose, and expansion that I couldn’t have if it hadn’t been for the upheaval. For those moments I am grateful.
Last week I was in the throes of it and finally decided to announce it to my Love Your Life Tribe Facebook group because I wanted to be authentic, honest, and I wanted everyone to know that no one is perfect. EVERYONE goes through these moments and despite the discomfort of the process, it always works out in the end.
Thank goodness the fog is beginning to clear and I am finally being able to see the lesson here and I am passing it along to you.
My major epiphany & life lesson for you is in: Letting Go.
I am one of those people who tends to be a bit of a control freak. I like to think I am the one running things and making magic happen in my life (sorry Universe), when in actuality I am just following the nudges of my intuition and the Universe. However, in the moments when I am struggling with making something happen (i.e. meeting financial goals, figuring out how to do something etc.) I go into overdrive and try, try, try, until I can’t possibly try anymore.
And when that doesn’t work (which it usually doesn’t) I go into the mode of thinking I MUST be doing something wrong (because if not, then it would all be fine right) and then I TRY AGAIN.
Looking back I can see how it might be like me banging my head on a door that won’t open thinking that if I just bang on it hard enough, POOF it will magically open.
Yep, doesn’t work like that.
So the key in those moments (or in the less dramatic moments when you aren’t sure which way to go and you know how all of this works) you let go of the NEED for things to change right then and there and keep moving on your merry way.
Now, that’s hard to do if you are dealing with money because how exactly do you go on your merry way when bills are due?
I’ve learned the hard way that you just have to TRUST. LET GO & TRUST that it’s all going to work out and in actual fact it IS working out for you even if you can’t see how or when or why it is.
Trust is a funny thing because it means you have to simply let go of the thing you are worrying about and go with the flow of life. And what takes that up another notch is to be HAPPY & JOYFUL in spite of the given challenge.
Last week, that is the last thing I wanted to hear.
I was struggling (in my mind) and I didn’t want to hear any woo-woo message about letting go and letting the Universe (or God) take care of things for me. As much as I KNOW that to be true, I wasn’t in a place to hear that. I had to go through the frustration and the emotion of it all to finally get there….
And I finally made it this weekend when I was getting messages left and right on letting go and simply allowing life to unfold and being JOYFUL through the process. Funny how that works huh?
The one quote in particular that literally shifted everything for me was this:
“The dichotomy is that for true healing to occur, I must let go of the need to be healed and just enjoy and trust in the ride that is life.” Anita Moorjani from Dying To Be Me
The truth is you can enter just about any word in place the word “healing” and the statement would still be true. Abundance, love, peace, etc. all follow the same formula.
When you let go of the need to have something and just enjoy and trust in the journey of life, things transform and the very thing you let go of, comes back to you.
Letting go of the need is necessary to manifest your desires and being joyful in the process of life is what life is all about.
And that leads me to simply asking myself this, “How can I enjoy the moment right here, right now?” and then acting accordingly.
Simple truths with magnificent power.
My question for you is this…what do you need to let go of right now?
If what you need to let go of is the feeling of being stuck, check out my free audio 5 Ways to Break Free From Stuck below.