One of the things you may or may not know about me is I am a firm believer in the fact that we never stop learning and growing.
I don’t consider myself a guru or a know-it-all when it comes to what I teach because there is still so much to learn and share with you.
In fact, when I first started my business I made a commitment to be as authentic and vulnerable with you as possible, because I want you to always know that a) I’m human and b) If I can get through this crazy thing called life, so can you.
With that said, the last few weeks have been a bit of a challenge for me and I noticed some (what I thought were) old feelings of insecurity popping up. While noticing the shifts and changes in others around me, I began feeling uncomfortable and uncertain within myself.
To be honest, it made me anxious and without realizing it at the time, I ended up diving right into self-sabotage mode. It wasn’t a pretty sight so I’ll spare you the details, but what came from those few weeks ware a couple of lessons I want to share with you today.
A lesson in awareness: One thing I’ve gotten so much better at on this journey of personal growth is becoming aware of my thought patterns and behaviors particularly when I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. I may not be aware of it while it’s happening, but over the past few weeks I’ve learned the importance of taking a personal inventory of what’s going on within me and questioning where these thoughts and feelings are really coming from because they are almost 100% of the time NOT about what I think they are in the moment.
Awareness is key and it takes practice, so the next time you find yourself spiraling, take a moment to reflect on what’s really going on. You might just find it’s not about what you think it is and friends that is where the real magic happens.
Taking responsibility for your feelings: Generally speaking I’m a very feelings-driven woman. I feel my emotions to my core and at times they can be overwhelming especially to other people who are less emotional that I. What I’ve always known intellectually, but have rarely put into practice is that we are responsible for how we feel and regardless of the situations that may elicit an understandable emotional response, only I am responsible for those emotions and it’s up to me to process them.
Emotions and feelings are a necessary part of life and their job is simply to provide information to us. The key is to be aware of them, understand them and then process them accordingly- particularly if they are “negative” emotions. And the key here is that while others can facilitate the processing, it’s really up to us to do.
Hyper-focus isn’t necessarily healthy focus: As a mindset coach I know how powerful our focus can be and as a human, I often mistake ‘hyper-focus’ as a ‘healthy’ focus. Meaning, I have a tendency to get stuck on a particular area of my life that I want to change or improve and end up focusing so much on it that I create more resistance than flow (doh!).
The past few weeks have really shown me the power in shifting my focus inward instead of spending so much time and effort looking at what is or isn’t happening externally. It’s a slight shift that makes a world of difference in how I think and feel.
I share all of this with you again to say:
Within each life challenge lies a gift that will help you expand into more of who you are meant to be.
And with that expansion comes new opportunities, new ideas and other ways for you to create a life you love. So, embrace the challenges and know that there is alway something in it for you.
Ultimately, I hope that by sharing my lessons and challenges with you I am empowering and inspiring you to keep moving forward on your own journey.
We have an amazing opportunity in this thing called life to be, have, and do whatever we choose and that often means working through our shit to get to the other side. Having done a lot of that work already, I can tell you it’s absolutely worth every step along the way.
If YOU are struggling at the moment and you need a bit of support to get through the fog of the moment, I’d love to chat with you.
Feel free to book a FREE 30-Minute Consultation here.
Were these lessons helpful for you? Post a comment below and let me know!