I am so excited to share two amazing dreamer highlights with you this week. The first one is a little different from what I normally share, but is equally inspirational. Enjoy!
When I first began my blog, I stumbled across Jordana from My Meandering Trail as she was in the middle of preparing for her hike up the Appalachian Trail. I had no idea at the time what a huge achievement that truly was, but I was consistently inspired by her dream. In case you were wondering the hike is over 2,000 miles and entails many nights spent camping outside, lots of new people, and lots and lots of hiking. Just the sound of it makes my legs ache, but I was thrilled to follow Jordana as she strategically documented her plans. She shared her thoughts on picking her gear, food choices, as well as her adventures as she makes her way up the trail. So, how did she begin this journey of her dreams? She just decided to do it. She researched her way through it. From talking to others that have hiked the trail to spending early mornings in line to get the best and most affordable gear she could, she did it. And now, she is hiking to her heart’s content and is sharing her journey on her blog. While hiking and outdoorsy things may not be your cup of tea, rest assured that her journey will enlighten and inspire. Remember a journey of (in this case) 2,000 miles begins with only one step.
The other dreamer I wanted to highlight here is Michelle Ward the When I Grow Up Coach. I have mentioned Michelle several times on my blog and it is partially because it was her blog that really got me thinking about becoming a life coach in the first place and also because her story is so great. You can read more about how she got to be the wonderful coach she is here.
What she did. She walked away from what she thought was her dream of becoming an actress and stepped into a space of coaching other creatives to the career of their dreams. Michelle worked in the corporate world and did her time in the 9-5 job for many years before she finally found her thing. That thing was coaching others to take a leap toward their dreams. The inspiration doesn’t stop there though. In addition to becoming what she calls a woman of the world (read woman solopreneur), she has quit her day job, written workbooks, co-authored a wonderful book, and overcome breast cancer. She is inspiring for far more than just the work she does. Michell is creative-life-coaching-amazeballs-ukele-playing-cancer-survior with a spirit that is simply amazing. Please check out her website and her blog for more inspiring information and tidbits. She truly is an inspiration for women everywhere.
So, there you have it, two incredible women achieving the life they once dreamt and if they can do it, so can you!
Know of someone who is living the life of their dreams and want me to give them a shout out? Share in the comments below or email me at lserf13@hotmail.com and I would love to include them in this series.
Thank you! I’m going to check both women out.