Whenever I have heard the phrase “Expect the Unexpected”, it has always been in a negative way, meaning always be prepared for the worst. For many years I lived waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop and when things in life got too good, I became leery. Looking around every corner for the disaster to hit and by golly each time I looked for it, it showed up! Lately, I have begun thinking of the unexpected as gifts of wonder, beauty, and generally more positive opportunities and experiences.
Today, “Expect the Unexpected” leaves me wondering what wonderful blessings are lurking around the corner and it gets me excited about life. What a great feeling that is!
My transition from expecting negative to expecting positive didn’t happen overnight. It was a gradual progression that happened over many years. It actually came because I realized that every time I started expecting a disaster, one would appear, yet on the off-chance I was excited about life and excited for a new opportunity to reveal itself, an opportunity would also pop up. After years of trial and error (unbeknownst to me), I realized what I expect, I get (to some degree).
Over the last month, I have been opening my eyes and my heart to whatever opportunities may come. I have thought this thought even in times of uncertainty, and decided that whatever happens I will accept the opportunity and be open to it. I will accept it with open arms and be grateful for I know there is a reason for it in my life right now, even if I don’t know the why. Last week I wrote about getting over my self-doubt and moving from psyching myself out, to psyching myself up about a potential writing opportunity and at that point I decided I was going to do my best and if it worked out I would be grateful, and if it didn’t, I would still be grateful yet remain open for whatever new opportunities may come. What I didn’t know was how quickly that opportunity would appear. While I am still waiting to hear back from the first writing opportunity, I am currently working on another one!
Life never ceases to amaze me.
If you know me, you know that when I get my heart set on something it is often hard for me to let it go and I often find myself disappointed when it doesn’t work out as I had envisioned it to be, but this time I tried something different. I decided that I am going to be open to what comes and let go of my control a bit more and have faith. Faith that I am on the right path that will lead me to my dreams. Trust in myself and confidence in my gifts. And with a grateful heart and an open mind, I am sure to have many more wonderful opportunities come about. That is not to say I should become complacent because we all know that action is part of making your dreams a reality. But instead of dreaming and then worrying about the how, when, why, etc., I am going to dream and allow it to fly. I am going to do what I can, and then trust that if it is meant to be, it will be.
I am learning that sometimes when the other shoe drops it’s a good thing. Sometimes it is exactly what you needed, and that proverbial shoe just might be a piece of your dream puzzle. So be open and expect the unexpected and when the unexpected comes, no matter what form it may be, be grateful, for you never know where it may lead.
This sounds like a really profound shift in perception, and I am delighted to hear that it is bringing you so much goodness! Wonderful!
It is pretty exciting. Sometimes I feel like I am watching myself grow before my very eyes!
I know that feeling. Isn’t it amazing to watch yourself grow? Yay you!