Last week, I shared a post on Facebook that hit home for a lot of people. Basically, I was sharing the truth about how I have been feeling off the last few weeks (and really the entire month of May) and apparently I wasn’t alone.
I had people reaching out to me on the post as well as in personal messages saying, “OMG, this is exactly where I am.” “Thank you for being so honest!” “It’s so important to know we are not alone.”
You see, there are SO many people struggling at the moment with major life events, things falling apart, and a general chaos that can be both frustrating and confusing. And whether they know anything about energy and mindset or not, it all feels a bit yucky.
They are stressed, confused, and are desperately trying to get back on track, but some just don’t know how. If you fall into that camp, know that you are not alone.
Life is exponentially better and easier when things are running smoothly. When money is rolling in, love is overflowing, and you feel good in your skin, everything seems easy.
This is what I call FLOW and it’s exactly where we need to be in order to continually manifest the amazing things we want to create in our lives.
But…the moment something triggers you and causes you to wobble, it’s as if all that easy stuff disappears and we forget how we got there to begin with. Deep down you know that you’ve done it before and you can do it again, but the current moment is so damn real, you just can’t seem to get back to that free-flowing-feeling.
So the question becomes…
How do you get back to FLOW?
And that is exactly the question I am going to answer for you on Wednesday June 13th at 8:30pm EST.
This is a FREE training that will walk you through:
• Identifying what causes you to get out of flow to begin with
• Tips for getting back into flow as soon as possible
• How to stay in flow longer so you can manifest your desires with greater ease
I’ll be taking questions toward the end of the training as well as sharing something special for you for the summer (so excited!).
The best part (aside from the fact that this is 100% FREE) is that you can choose 1 of 2 ways to join the free training.
You can either join the webinar directly by signing up to my VIP list and using the information I will be sending out next week OR you can join the live stream in the MindPower Collective group on Facebook.
I’m trying a new method for my trainings and am excited to see how it goes!
So be sure to mark your calendars now for this epic training happening a week from TODAY!
Let’s all get back to flow and commit to staying there as long as possible because life is so much better when we do!
Am I right??!