When you’re feeling unworthy, it seems nothing feels quite right.
Love often feels foreign and unattainable, success non-existent, and joy…what is that again?
Listen if these are feelings you are having right now, I want you to first know that you are not alone.
In fact, in the mindset work I do with my tribe and 1:1 clients the #1 belief that people bump up against more than anything else is some version of…
I am unworthy or I’m not enough.
Unfortunately, so many women in the world are struggling with the concept of being good enough, smart enough, strong enough, creative enough, thin enough etc. in order to accomplish their deepest desires and goals.In some ways they feel like they don’t even deserve the “good” stuff in life if they haven’t worked hard enough for it.
They often believe they are unworthy of love, peace, abundance, joy, and an amazing life because they feel fundamentally flawed.
Fundamentally flawed, less than, and just not enough.
“More struggle.”
“More time.”
“More (fill in the blank).”
Why is that???
The truth is, I’ve struggled with this concept of feeling unworthy in many areas of my life including love, abundance, and in my business. I know how paralyzing and limiting it can be.
But, I also know how freeing and expansive it feels when you are able to drop that story in order to embrace the fullness of who you really are. (Full disclosure, I’m not completely “there”, but it gets better by the day.)
Now, I can tell you most certainly where my feelings of lack and not enough-ness came from (mainly a family environment that never empowered me and consistently told me how I was less-than), however even a logical understanding of “why” didn’t remove the feeling of not being enough.
In fact, it was far less about what I learned as a child and more about the story I was practicing on a daily basis about why I didn’t have the life, love, and abundance I desired. In my mind, it must have been because I was unworthy or undeserving of it otherwise I’d have it already right?
The reason I didn’t have all those things is because I (not my mom, dad, ex’s, God) accepted and truly believed I was unworthy.
Plain and simple…and the same goes for you.
You are only unworthy, undeserving, or otherwise “not enough” when you accept and believe that you are.
YOU hold the power to expand or stay where you are.
YOU create your beliefs that lead to freedom or keep you stuck.
YOU practice the stories that empower you to expand or keep you bound.
And best of all YOU get to DECIDE.
When you have practiced the story that in some way you are not enough and you have seen the “reality” in front of you that tells you that you are not enough, then it’s easy to believe that’s the “truth” of who you are.
I mean, there are so many “examples” of how and why you aren’t enough, but allow me to shed some light on who you truly are.
You are a creator first and foremost. You have the ability to create any situation, opportunity, experience, or “thing” you choose.
You have free will that allows you to think what you want to think and believe what you want to believe and from those thoughts and beliefs your life is created and made manifest.
That, my friend is pure power.
You are worthy, deserving, and enough as you are, where you are, with what you have. No amount of money in your bank account, number on the scale, or level of success you reach will make you “more” worthy than you are right now.
In fact, you are worthy simply because you are HERE and you are YOU. Period.
Accept that truth. Practice that thought over and over and over again until it becomes a natural belief and I promise every bit of your reality will shift dramatically…for the better.It’s a simple concept, but certainly not always “easy” to do which is why it’s something that I work with my clients on consistently.
The good news is that there are tools, strategies, practices, and methods that can be really helpful in dropping the old story and embracing the new. I mean, that’s what mindset work is all about. The other good news is that you don’t have to go very far to gain access to those tools.
There are loads of books, courses, programs etc. out there to support you in tapping into the best method for shifting your beliefs (even the stubborn, deep-rooted beliefs like not being enough).
However, if you are looking for a more personal hands-on approach to your mindset work I’d love to chat more with you.
If you are interested in some 1:1 mindset transformation, you may be interested in my HeadCase Program: 1:1 Coaching for Mindset Mastery. I have opened a few of these spots at the current $777 rate through the end of the year so if you are interested, let’s get you scheduled for a FREE 30-minute consultation.
Whatever you do, remember this:
You are beautiful.
You are amazing.
You are gifted.
And by golly, YOU ARE ENOUGH…right here, right now.
Never forget that ok?