Last month I read a post from Jess Lively that really inspired me. I put the thought into my mental memory bank for later retrieval and after the last two days of my day job I was reminded of this post about a concept of “pretiring”. Check out her post here.
Jess discusses how she plans to give herself permission each day to do things that she enjoys and to follow her heart to what feels good. My initial thought was…”you can do that?”. As I thought about it more, it made so much sense to me. How different would your world look if you followed your intuition/gut/spidey senses and did the things that made you feel good even just a little bit. I am a realistic person much more than I like to admit, and the reality for me is that I have a family to help support and I can’t just up and quit my day job to follow my heart. But I can begin feeling out my writing gigs and only responding to the ones the resonate with me. I can only write the things that feel natural and organic, and not try to fit into any one box. The truth is, I don’t belong in a box, I like to wear far too many hats to sit in one place for too long.
I have been inspired to begin doing more things that feel right as opposed to the things I feel I should do, although there are many shoulds that I can’t get away from. (I should get up for work to pay the bills until my side gigs turn into something that can support myself and my family etc. )
I have read a lot about following your heart and fulfilling your life purpose and from what others are saying, the more you do that authentically, the more you will see opportunities come into focus and you allow your path to unfold for you. It is at this point that your life’s work doesn’t feel like work, it feels like joy. So, I am doing just that. Doing the things that feel good and bring me joy. What a concept right?
**Disclaimer** Do not be fooled by fear. Fear has a funny way of making something feel wrong when really it is just trying to limit what you are doing. I too have to be careful when fear comes around because I often mistake it for my gut telling me that something isn’t right, when in actuality it is trying to keep me where I am. Use your judgement and feel how fear feels for yourself. It may be different for everyone, but I urge you not to let a fear of failure to stop you from moving towards your dreams.
So, what if you did more of what feels right to you and followed your joy more? What would your life look like? I am sure it would look (and feel) much different from how it does now. I invite you to do something each day that inspires you, excites you, and lights the flame of desire for your dreams. The more you do, the more you will find to be excited about. I’d love to hear what you plan on doing more of!
This is what my creative work has given to me recently. I don’t know that it will ever be something that makes any money, but it sure is bringing lots of joy just to let myself play!
Hey KJ,
You might be surprised to find it leads to more income than you thought. But the joy is worth it anyways!