One thing your brain is really good at is that it will *always* find evidence to support what you believe.
Good, bad or indifferent. Your brain is always seeking to confirm what you think & believe in your mind.
–> Think you can’t afford it? Your brain & bank account will show you just how right you are.
–> Believe no one will ever love or respect you? Yep, you’ll be connected with people who appear not to care about you at all & it will seem like they are multiplying!
–> Think that this, that & the other thing will *never* work out for you…you’re going to prove it time & again.
–> Believe that only *other* people get to succeed & win at life. You will find yourself on the losing end every.single.time.
BUT…the beauty of all of this is that YOU> GET>TO> CHANGE> IT.
When you believe it’s always working out for you, you see just how right you are as things come together with more ease than you ever imagined possible.
When you know that you can be, have & do whatever you choose, you prove it to yourself as you do more, create more & live more from the authentic peaceful place.
When you trust that the process can be more fun & joyful than you previously thought, you find yourself having incredible interactions & joy everywhere you go!
And if you’re wondering *how* to make these seemingly magical mind shifts that create more clarity, confidence, ease & peace as you create that big life you crave…know that it doesn’t take a huge life overhaul.
It requires only that you are willing to do the inner work…consistently.
Yes, sometimes it means healing old woulds & working through some stories you’ve held for far too long, but it doesn’t have to take a long time.
In fact, most of the women I work with begin to see the power of these shifts within the first few sessions because they (and you) already *have* the power…you just need someone who can help you step into it more fully, consistently & completely.
Take a look at your life currently & ask yourself if the evidence you see in front of you is where you want to be or are you ready for more? If you’re ready for MORE…the news below is for YOU.
BIG NEWS…This is *not* a drill!
I am filling my final 4 spots for my 1:1 program until Sept./Oct. In order to make sure I am giving everyone the time & focus they deserve, I am being extra mindful of how many 1:1 clients I have through the end of this year. So, again…if you’ve been thinking about signing up or just having the conversation to find out what this whole coaching thing is about…now is the time. In order to take advantage of the snag one of the remaining 4 spots, you *must* get on my calendar for a consultation ASAP.
You + Me together for 4+ months of work to shift, change & transform the very thoughts that are making your life harder than it needs to be so you can finally live with more ease, confidence & joy. Want in? Get on my calendar asap & let’s do this!