This week has been a week of lessons. Lessons about work, personal life, and finding balance with it all. Along with those lessons came a much-needed epiphany of which I am grateful. That epiphany is the importance of beginning and ending with peace.
This week was a little crazy in terms of my schedule and getting everything accomplished, but I began my week with a pause. Knowing all I had to accomplish and ready to take it all on. I took a deep breath and dove in and while the middle of the week got a little hairy, I am back to the place I started. Peaceful.
It seems beginning each day with peace in my meditation practice sets the tone for the rest of the day and if things tend to get a little crazy, I can find my center again at the end of the day with more meditation, yoga, or some quiet time. Beginning and ending with peace is essential for me to be the best me. I am so grateful for that realization.
I believe I can apply the same concept to beginning and ending my week. I can begin each week with an intention for how the week will go in terms of my schedule, work, and appointments. As things come up (and I am sure they will) I can handle them accordingly. In the event things get a bit busy or overwhelming, I can find my center and balance by ending the week with some mindful reflection, similar to what I do with my gratitude posts each week.
There is something about the idea of beginning and ending with peace that I think will ultimately bring more peace to the time in between. As I am mindful of the beginning of each day and at the end of each day, I believe the peace will become a habit and as a result, I will feel much more centered and balanced.
I hope you too begin and end your weekend with peace. Have a great weekend!