This week the two things I am grateful for are things that have impacted my life in so many ways. They have been used as a means of expression, healing, and continue to add to my life as a whole. And like many of the things I am grateful for each week, they are things that I often have overlooked.
This week I am grateful for music. In the last year my musical tastes have changed quite a bit and I found myself not listening to music as much as I have in the past. This week however, I was reminded of the impact music has had on my life. I tend to listen to music based on my current mood or sometimes as a way to invoke a sense of relaxation and my musical tastes depend on those moods. This week however, I started listening to artists I listened to many years ago and was instantly reminded of the circumstances I was going through when a certain CD was on repeat. It is amazing how quickly I am brought back to specific moment in time through the lyrics of a particular song.
I am also grateful for music because for almost 15 years I used it as a means of expression through dance, and a means of creation as I choreographed specific pieces for groups I worked with. For a long time music and dance was my life. I was always listening to a song through the ears of an artist, seeing the choreography appear in my mind’s eye. It was (and still is, though right now it lies dormant), such a large part of my life and without music and dance, I am not sure where I would be. My love for music has been renewed this week and I am so grateful for all that it has done for me over the years and I hope to create many more memories that I can later recall through music.
The other thing I am grateful for is my writing. Much like music, writing has always been a part of my life, though early on in life, I had no idea that it would be something I wanted to do. Looking back, I always excelled in English, as I found it easy to express myself through the written word, and can remember how proud I was in Middle School, when one of my pieces was published in our local paper. As the years passed, my writing would ebb and flow. Sometimes I would write poetry, sometimes I would simply keep a journal, but looking back on it now, I realize my writing was a means of healing for me. Since then my writing has evolved and I suspect it will continue to change over time, and as it does I will remain grateful for this wonderful means of expression.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend also.
Music is healing in many ways as its vibration sets the tone with our moods… I found that this week I have been listening alot to Mozart… The Mozart Effect soothes the soul and calms the mind….
I also love lively music which uplifts the Spirit ………. Music I find helps in the background while I write.. I too hold much gratitude for both.
Enjoy your Day
Hi Sue,
Thanks for commenting. I haven’t found specific music that helps my writing flow, though I might try some classical and see how that goes. I love how my soul soars when a certain song is playing, or when I can feel the vibration shift in my body from another song. Music is such a wonderful thing!
Have a great week!