Happy Friday Dreamers,
I hope this week has brought you lots of progress, joy, and a ton of fun, but if you find yourself lacking a bit in the fun department, this post is for you!
Too often we fall into a pit of productivity with an undying need to produce and check items off our to-do list and in doing so we find our energy is lacking, inspiration has taken a hike, and the things we really WANT to do, quickly fall by the wayside.
I know this, because I was falling into that same pit this past week. As the week wore on, my motivation grew less and less until I just couldn’t find the energy to even look at my to do list or do some of the stuff I have been excited about for the last few weeks.
So, what do you do when things feel so ‘meh’ and you need to jump-start your battery?
Have a little (or a lot) of FUN!
When was the last time you went out exploring? Took a class that peaked your interest just because. Been to the movies lately? What about taking the family to the park or on family expedition for a hike to explore the great outdoors? When was the last time you did something to shake up your day?
I can tell you it’s been far too long since I have been to the movies or taken a hike. I haven’t even taken a stroll around my neighborhood in quite some time, so I think some FUN is in order for this fantastic Friday. Don’t you?
So put away your to-do list and your calendar. Turn your phone off and leave your tablet at home and go out and have good old-fashioned, no technology, no distractions, explore the world FUN. Be playful, have fun, and connect with yourself, your family, your spouse, and nature for goodness sake. The work will still be there when you get back and I promise, you will get more done in less time when you return simply because you gave yourself a chance to breathe.
As for me? I am going to switch up the scenery a bit and bust my son out of daycare early to go on what he likes to call a “magical adventure” to places unknown. I may not know where we are going, but I know wherever it is, we are going to have fun.
Enjoy your weekend dear dreamers and as always thanks for reading!
P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my VIP List, please do so today. Next week I am announcing some service changes and will be giving away a very inspiring gift to one lucky reader and if you are on my VIP list you get first dibs on new stuff so you don’t want to miss out!
photo credit: stitchin.thyme via photopin cc
Hey, we must be on the same wavelength! I had the day to myself today, and I had been feeling like I needed some more fun too. So I went to my favourite markets that i hardly ever get to, and then went for a swim at the beach on the way home. It felt good to do something for no other reason other than it was fun 🙂
Sara, I apologize for the delay in response, I suppose I had a bit too much fun! Beaches sound great right about now 🙂