I’m going to shoot straight today and ask you flat out.
How bad do you want it?
It being…change, transformation, abundance, joy, peace, flow, love, compassion, adventure, etc.?
How bad do you want it?
Do you want it enough to get a little uncomfortable while you stretch outside your comfort zone?
Do you want it enough to look a the dark parts of your soul that feel a bit icky?
Do you want it enough to take BIG ACTION even when it scares the crap out of you?
Do you want it enough to NOT GIVE UP, no matter what your external circumstances tell you?
Well..do you?
If you said yes, then I have good news for you…you will get it. It will happen for you and you will experience the sweet nectar that comes from standing out and taking ownership of what you desire.
If you said, “ummm, maybe”, I’ve got news for you.
It’s time to OWN it.
It’s time for you to step out and stand in your power for all that you desire and to stop pussy-footing around about what you may or may not be able to achieve. There is no sugar-coating it friends. When you want something and I mean REALLY want it…you keep going.
You get knocked down and you get up. You keep writing, singing, acting, reaching, growing, evolving, living, sharing, and moving forward because you can’t not do it.
Your purpose is a part of you. It IS you. It’s who you are and what you were put here to do and if you aren’t owning it…I mean really owning it…what are you doing?
You have a God-given, Divinely inspired, Universally-assigned gift to be truly, magnificently, and unapologetically YOU.
Live it. Love it. Share it. Be it. And for the love of all things holy…OWN IT.
There is no one else like YOU and if you know anything about the state of our worldly affairs right now, you know we could use some kickass visionaries following their heart to make this world a better place.
If that is YOU…it’s time.
Your time to shine.
Your time to drop the excuses and step your game up.
And if you HAVEN’T been because you’ve been thinking all the crappy mind-mumbo-jumbo that has you playing small, it’s time for change.
Are you ready?