This week has been one of those weeks, yet again. It seems like time is speeding up and the number of things that must get done are adding up too and while I could very well freak out about what isn’t getting done, or get anxious about the long list, I am not. Thanks to my meditation practice, I am staying pretty balanced in my mood and doing what I can each day. With that said, I am human and I still recognize there is much to be done this week, but right now, I am simply listening.
I am listening to my body, my mind, and my inner voice and letting it guide me through my days. My body is saying “rest” and I am sure it means I need more sleep. And though I know I could stay up to get through the last few chapters of a book I am reading so I can get some writing done for it, I will not. I will listen, and sleep. My mind is telling me to step back, slow down, and breathe. So I am. I have taken far more deep breaths today than I can remember in the last week, simply to focus and center myself. I am listening.
My inner voice seems to have a lot to say about all the “busyness” that is going on this week. “Let it go. ” “It’s not worth it.” “It can wait.” This voice is gently guiding me to do what is best for me right now and to take care of myself and I am listening. My inner voice is also providing an unlimited number of creative ideas that I truly can’t wait to begin. When will that be? I am not sure, but one thing I know is that as long as I am listening and following the little nudges here and there, it will all come together in the right time and space for me. Until then, I am listening.
What do you need to listen to right now?