I love finding new blogs, articles, interviews, videos, etc. to help fuel my inspiration and I really enjoy being able to share these with you. I hope you enjoy this week’s Inspiration Round-Up.
The first thing I want to highlight is a book I began reading last week as I was struggling with the fear I discussed in yesterday’s post. I really enjoy reading and the title of the book really struck me as something that could help inspire me to trust the process again and if nothing else would assist me in seeing the silver lining.
Contagious Optimism by David Mezzapelle is similar to the Chicken Soup series in that it shares a variety of uplifting stories and insights to help the reader find the positive side of all situations. I am only about a third of the way through it, but I can tell you it is great for anyone that needs a little pick me up.
Today I stumbled upon two unique companies that really solidify the idea that no matter what your imagination can conjure up, it is totally possible.
The first is a time capsule service called Seeds of Thought. This company will save handwritten or typed letters for a set amount of time and send them to you (or another recipient) at the end of that time period. The idea is to create a time capsule from a certain part of your life to review later. I thought the idea was so cool and I am even thinking of ways I could use this unique idea in my own life.
The other company is Adventure Nannies, a traveling nanny service that helps families on the go(meaning across borders, overseas, you name it they have a nanny for it) who need a bit of extra help. I love the fact that the founder (Brandy) used her experience in childcare and her vision to do something greater to the next level. Still think you can’t simply follow your heart and make something amazing out of it???
And last but not least I want to share a post from Melody Fletcher’s Deliberate Receiving blog. This post discusses taking back your moment and being present and aware of what you need right now, what you are doing now, and simply enjoying life, RIGHT NOW! For all you Law of Attraction lovers, her blog is really great and provides straight, no-nonsense advice on many topics relating to the Law of Attraction.
Do you have other articles, interviews, or books you found inspiring this week? Feel free to share them in the comments.