Happy April Tribe!
We are officially in the second quarter of 2018 and I have a confession to make!
I just got back from 7 glorious days off of work (one of the at least 4 weeks I’ve planned to take off this year) and I’m feeling refreshed, renewed, and a bit…OFF.
You see, I have this challenge that pops up every time I take time off. No matter how long I am off or how incredible I feel when I get back, I always seem to struggle with getting back into the flow of things.
For instance, my morning workouts I was just getting the hang of (pre-vacation) have completely disappeared and I can’t seem to get my butt out of bed before 7am. (eek!)
And let me be clear, I am not a morning person anyways so getting the hang of getting up early to work out pre-vacation is a pretty big deal in my book and it’s something I’ve been working on for AGES.
I’ve always had this secret obsession with people who can get up at 4 or 5am to work out and knock out half of their to-do lists before the rest of the world wakes up and have found myself scratching my head thinking…
How do they DO that????
I was asking that very question one day while scrolling through Instagram one day and the Universe provided me with an instant answer. One of my business mentors put together a post about how so many people ask her how she wakes up at 4 am every morning to work out and take care of herself before diving into her work and her response was…I just DO it.
What a novel concept right?
Here I am waiting for the motivation, inspiration, and the angels to sing in order for me to FINALLY get my butt out of bed at a decent time to get my workout and daily practice in before the rest of the family gets up and she’s saying…just DO it.
As I was thinking about this, I realized this is EXACTLY how I’ve treated so many of the things I’ve wanted to accomplish, create, and experience in my life.
I’ve been waiting for the “right” time to take more time off.
I’ve been waiting for the “right” time to start investing money into my future.
I’ve been waiting for the “right” time to get into the habit of waking up at 5am.
I’ve been waiting for the “right” time to get my finances in order to be truly financially free.
I’ve been waiting for the “right” time to start writing my book.
The truth is what I’ve really been doing is just getting in my own way.
This whole “right time” thing has really just been me making excuses and procrastinating. That’s it.
So, I decided that 2018 is going to be the year I change all of that!
No more excuses. No more waiting. No more procrastinating.
I’m taking action NOW because “someday” isn’t a day of the week.
Now, I KNOW I’m not the only one who struggles with this because I talk to my clients about this ALL THE TIME. So, if you are finding yourself staring down your intentions for 2018 and realizing these are the same things you’ve written down year-after-year, then please know you are not alone.
BUT–> Also know that the only way that idea is going to manifest is if you make the DECISION that you are going to do it.
Sometimes you just have to get up and DO IT even if you’re unsure of how it will look or how to begin. You just have to decide that enough is enough and take the first step.
A few things happen when you DECIDE you are going to get out of your own way…
• The Universe conspires to help you make it happen
• Resources pop up out of no where
• Ideas flow like a steady stream
• You run into the perfect partners and collaborators
• You find exactly what you didn’t know you needed
• You get out of your own way and “someday” becomes TODAY
• Life gets exponentially better
Now that you know all of that, are you still willing to wait for proverbial “right” time that doesn’t exist or are you ready to take the first step to make it happen?
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
How do you write a book? One word at a time.
How do you tackle that project you’ve been waiting on doing? One step at a time.
So, what is YOUR first step going to be?
Here’s mine…
Aside from publicly sharing my intentions to write my book and now to get my butt out of bed earlier in the morning for my work outs, I am opening the doors to my MindPower Mastermind (something else I’ve wanted to do for YEARS).
I am taking 6 women on a 6-month journey of intention, accountability, action, mindset makeovers, and transformation all for the common goal of DOING THE DAMN THING…(damn thing= whatever we each choose to work on in our 6 months together.)
I have already filled 2 spots and I am SO excited to fill the remaining 4 places with like-minded souls who are READY to get out of their own way and finally, Finally, FINALLY make one (or 2 if you are feeling fancy) dreams a reality.
SO…If you are finding yourself getting sick and tired of being sick and tired and seeing the same goals, intentions and dreams on your list month-after-month and year-after-year then it’s time to take action…NOW.
If you think the MindPower Mastermind might be a good fit for you to keep you motivated, inspired, and accountable to your intentions, then I encourage you to CLICK HERE to check out the details and APPLY.
I’m really looking for the right people to join the mastermind so we will schedule a short chat to see if you are a good fit for the group.
I am so excited about the next 6 months because I KNOW we are going to be experiencing some incredible magic and miracles together.
Are YOU ready?
If so, hit the link below to apply and I look forward to chatting with you soon!
In the meantime, I’m going to go have another cup of coffee and mentally prepare myself for the EARLY morning work out coming tomorrow. (Yep, it’s happening.)