Recently bedtime in my house has been anything but peaceful as my partner and I have struggled to get our 2-year-old to fall asleep in his own bed. Our night-time routine begins just like every other night with a bath, story, and cuddles, and after the lights go out we spend the next 2-2 1/2 hours trying to coax our little one to sleep. Each night I try to figure him out as I wonder if maybe he just isn’t tired or he napped too long that day and each night as I ask my partner (the logical one in our house) for a solution she reminds me as she has many times’s just a phase.
That thought stuck with me tonight as I tried desperately to find the solution (again) to our bedtime challenge and as my mind wandered and I allowed the words to sink in, I realized we are all going through our own phases.
Our lives are composed of a chain of phases starting from the time we are born up through adulthood. Some phases come and go, while others stick around for much longer and there are times when people tend to get stuck in one particular phase for the rest of their lives without growing into the next.
It’s all a part of life.
Many times in my life I have felt stuck, wanting so badly to move forward without knowing how or why. I have been frustrated, confused, angry, and just plain worn out from the fight between where I am and where I want to be. I have often felt like I was standing in one place as I watched my dreams float on by, wondering if I could ever get unstuck and catch up with them. Looking back what was really happening is that I didn’t know I was going through a phase and while I’m not entirely sure what that particular phase was, I now know if I had embraced it as opposed to fighting it, I probably would have moved through it much faster than I actually did.
This year alone I have felt stuck more times than I care to count in regards to moving forward with my life coach training. It felt that the resources and money just weren’t there, yet every avenue I attempted in order to create the income I needed were leaving me empty-handed and confused. I began questioning my path and wondered if the Universe was simply leading me in a different direction. When I listened to my heart, I found I wasn’t being lead in a different direction entirely. Instead I realized there were a few other things I needed to do before I could continue on my path.
I realized that this is just a phase. Just as my 2-year-old will learn to fall asleep on his own, I too will get the resources together to begin my life coach training and move into a new phase. Somehow just realizing it is a phase makes me feel better about it and allows me to feel less stuck.
You have probably gone through (or are going through) your own phases. Maybe you too felt stuck in one place as you continued to fight your way forward toward something you wanted in your life and it has left you feeling confused, frustrated, and just plain tired.
The thing about phases is you don’t always know the name, or how long they will last, but if you go with the flow instead of fighting it, it just might pass by faster than you think. Don’t allow a plateau in your growth to spoil your inspiration or motivation for achieving your dreams and most of all don’t question what you know in your heart you are meant to do.
Sometimes instead of saying not this, the Universe is simply saying not yet.
“Sometimes instead of saying not this, the Universe is simply saying not yet.”
I love that — so true! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Janice! Somehow it makes the wait a little better. Thanks for reading!