Just a little reminder that there is nothing special about January 1st or any other day that month.
There’s nothing you can do on that day by starting “fresh” that you can’t also start now…today…or even next week.
I get it. The end of the year is “busy” with all the things…holidays, get togethers, a ton of other stuff to focus on and do, not to mention the often complicated feelings that can come up around all that right?
The idea that January 1st brings a clean slate and opportunity to finally focus on you and your goals seems legit. But it’s really not.
It’s just your brain’s way of putting it off again for a later time and making excuses about why you’ll be more ready then.
“I’ll have more time to focus.”
“I’ll have more energy available.”
“I’ll have more money to invest.”
I don’t know about you, but for me it seems that life is moving at break-neck speed & while we *think* we will be more ready/available/focused/energized to do the thing “then”, there’s likely always something else that’s going to get in the way.
You are ready when you decide you are, not with the clock strikes 12:00am on 1/1/2023.
And listen…I love a fresh new month & new year like anyone else, but the real successes I’ve seen come from deciding you’re ready regardless of the day or month.
Life is just too short to wish it away or waste a single day of it waiting for some arbitrary future date to do your thing.
Can you imagine how much further along you’ll be in January by simply deciding you’re ready today?
You’d be surprised what you can do in the next 6 weeks…holidays or not. Just ask my clients. 😉
Imagine if you could get a jumpstart on that book you want to write, launch that product, feel more peace & calm about this next phase of your life & finally start putting your dreams/goals first..all before the new year even gets here?
You absolutely can do all of that & a lot easier than you think. So, if you’ve been thinking of waiting until January to take the leap & do your thing…this is your sign to start now instead.
You’ve got big things to do. Now, let’s get busy shall we?