I can’t tell you how many people I have met in various areas of my life who have told me that in one way or another they had given up on their dream. Some thought them to be unpractical, while others simply didn’t believe in themselves. I once was a naysayer about my own abilities and struggle with it still from time to time. When I set out to do something new my old self would immediately say “I can’t..” I have learned to ignore that little feeling and move forward through the discomfort of change or growing, and I usually find that I could do it and that my old self was just giving me lip service. But what about those people who have just gotten caught up in everyday life?
How do you keep your dreams alive?
I can’t tell you for certain how to do it, because I believe we are all very different beings. Some of us respond to certain things, while others do not, but I can share with you how I do it. Maybe you will find something that will be useful in your own dream resuscitation.
I am one of the best day-dreamers around (ahem don’t tell my boss). I often think of what it will look like to have my dream become reality. I think about the type of clients I want to work with, how I want my schedule to be set up, what my business name might be, and even what my business card will look like. I have fun with it. I simply paint a mental picture of my dream. And while I may not always feel the dream when I feel like things are moving slowly, visualizing the end result is usually enough to keep me moving in the right direction and best of all it keeps me believing not only that my dream can become reality, but it will.
Talk About It
Talk about your dreams with the people you care about. Share what you want to accomplish with friends, family, co-workers even. Those of you that know me personally have probably heard me talk about life coaching or writing a million times over and are probably tired of hearing about it already (though I hope not) and the best part about that is you all become my cheerleaders. When you share something like this with people who love and care for you, they become part of your journey. They are going to talk you off the ledge when you feel like quitting. They are the ones that will say, “But you want nothing more than to ____”. They are going to remind you why your dream is your dream to begin with, and they get that info from you! Share your dreams so you can be reminded of them later.
Multiple Dreams
This one may not be so obvious, but it has been a really great way for me to stay excited about all of my aspirations. I have a tendency to have laser focus when it comes to something I want to do. Sounds great right? Not exactly. If things don’t go exactly as planned or certain parts of my journey become delayed, I can get pretty down about it. My mind goes into over drive and the negative chatter takes over. I seem to only notice what is not going well and it goes downhill from there. But when I have a few dreams to focus on, I can flow between them and if one seems to be at a standstill for one reason or another, then I can easily change focus to work on something else. This may not work for everyone as some people prefer to do one thing at a time, but it seems to work for me.
Dream Board
Dream or vision boards are a visual representation of what you want to create. It can be a collage of words, quotes, pictures, or items that remind you of what you are trying to accomplish. I created a dream board for 2012 and when I looked back at it, I found that many of the items came to fruition. I am still planning (read procrastinating) on making a dream board for 2013, however I am still envisioning what I want to accomplish this year. Keeping to my theme this year, I am trying to be open and flow with life as much as possible, so I want to create my board in a way that allows me to do that. Once my board is complete, I will hang it in my office where I can see it everyday. I may not look at all of the items on it everyday, but seeing the board everyday will certainly keep my dreams in the forefront of my mind and keep me excited for what is to come.
So those are the ways I am keeping my dreams alive. How do you do it?
Whay a great post!
Often the Ego mind will tell us to stay in our comfort zone. As we embark to follow our Dreams. You have provided wise words of advice here my friend
And a timely reminder to myself to keep on reaching out to follow our Dreams. I needed to wake up at this time as I reaced for my phone to see the time and saw your post in my email listings
THank you 🙂 and I send you my Blessings
Keep following your own 🙂
Sue X
Thank you for reading and I am glad I could spark inspiration to comtinue to follow your dream. 🙂