So you find yourself with this uber-mucho-grande dream of all dreams. It’s a tall order and the more you envision it, the more excited you get at the possibility of it becoming reality. All is well as long as you stay in your imagination and allow it to run wild, but at some point, ‘real life’ takes over and you start thinking about the ‘how’.
Questions flood your mind about how you will find the time, money, connections, resources, and know-how to make it happen.
It’s going to take some time, patience, inspiration, and lots of baby steps to move you toward your dreams.
So how do you keep your dreams alive while you patiently move forward?
Boy, do I know what that’s like and it’s something I hear from my clients all the time. When you feel like there is a bit of a standstill or specifics that need to be worked out before you can get to the ‘action’ of your dreams, then it can be hard to not allow your dreams fall by the wayside. Real life has a way of being in our face at all times and bills, jobs, kids, family, etc. tend to take precedence.
But here is what I want you to know.
Your dreams will take some time to come to fruition, but no matter how long they take, they will happen! All you have to do is find a way to continue to put your energy into your dreams even if it isn’t the active energy you are used to.
Lucky for you I have put together a list of 20 Ways to Keep Your Dreams Alive. In fact you can grab your copy as a free gift for signing up for my VIP List. (I promise you want to be on this list because I am working on a new way for you to work with me as well as some awesome free stuff that I want to get out to you in the coming months!)
Signing up for my VIP List is easy, just click here and enter your info. I promise to keep all of your contact information safe and not to send you anything that isn’t super important or inspiring.
Do you already have some ways you keep your dreams alive? If so, share in the comments I would love to know!
Great post Lamisha! Your thoughts are spot on. “It’s going to take some time, patience, inspiration, and lots of baby steps to move you toward your dreams.” I love this line in your post. The way I keep my dreams alive is asking the question, “Would I still be doing what I am doing if I knew these grand dreams I have would never come to fruition?” The answer is always the same for me…. Definitely! To me, my dreams and passions are a way of life and not a place where I’m looking to arrive. For me, my dreams are my motivators. Everything I do, experience, and create along the way is my purpose, my legacy, my contribution. All the best to you Lamisha! Cheers!
Mike, I love the question of whether you would still do what you do. I had a thought last night about our vision and how it’s truly about the journey. We as individuals grow, evolve, transform, etc. and so will our dreams and paths. It is an amazing experience and one I wouldn’t give up for the world and it sounds like you wouldn’t either. Love your perspective! Thanks for sharing 🙂