It happens to us all right? You have those days where you know you “should” be getting busy and marking things off your to-do list, but you have zero motivation. The inspiration to act just isn’t there and to be honest you would just as much like to take a nap and try again later…or not.
I am having one of those days today. My list of things to be done is ever-growing and even after a mid-day nap I can’t fight this “meh” feeling I am having.
What is a coach to do???
Well first thing to do is admit that we are human and we have those days. Days when things seem a little less go-go-go and a lot more..zzzzzz.
And while I may not be able to put my finger on exactly what is going on, I’m not sure it matters. What matters is accepting that it happens to us all and it will pass.
So what do you do in the meantime? You can’t just sleep all day and not tend to your responsibilities right?
I guess that would depend on what your responsibilities are. I know I have a lot of things I have set a loose deadline for in my business building and freelance writing. I have very few things that absolutely have to be done today, so while there is a part of me that knows I really should do X, Y, Z…I’m taking the easy way out and meandering my way back to motivation.
I find that if I am less than motivated to act on something, forcing myself to do it makes it so much worse. Not only is the end result lackluster and boring, but it feels miserable to do. So, if I can avoid it, I don’t do it. Luckily enough this feeling only comes during days when I have my day job that is already pretty lackluster and clearly not my passion.
So, I do what I can to pass the time in hopes that this “meh” feeling passes quickly. The good news is that typically it will move along and I am back to my bubbly, go-getter, inspired self in no time. I’m just not there yet.
So why am I sharing my less than motivated moment with you?
Because I want you to know that even professionals feel the same way you do. We are not super-human, always happy, always successful, never-failing people. Nope, we are just regular passionate, inspired, and mostly motivated individuals that like you, have one of those days.
And this is mine.
The next time you are feeling less than motivated, don’t fight the feeling. Just go with it and ask yourself honestly, “What do I feel like doing right this moment?” Should you get an answer, go with it and see if your mood turns around.
Writing this post was the first thing that came to mind for me.
Good advice as always… and love your new theme.. Love and light Sue
Thanks Sue!
You must have been reading my mind when you wrote this. Perfect timing! For me, I had to start with just one thing, instead of looking at my whole list today. Once I got through the one, I was able to move with more motivation to two. I haven’t gotten past two yet, but now that I’ve read your post, I might get to three. Thanks!
🙂 Happy to help! Glad I am not the only one that goes through this sometimes!
great post!!
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂