I have had an epiphany this past week and it is one that I believe I have begun to develop over the years, but for some reason this it is hitting me now. Maybe it is because I have been doing a lot of internal work, thinking, ruminating, and wondering about life and my journey in this life.
I just realized lessons aren’t learned in distinct moments, but instead occur in layers over time.
It seems I have had many “aha” moments throughout my life only to find myself repeating the same “aha” only to a different degree or in a different situation. A friend of mine posted something a few months back about learning and re-learning lessons and I told her I thought of learning in the form of college courses. Instead of learning Patience (period), we learn Patience 101 and Patience 202 etc. It seems that there are various situations that we can learn the same lesson and yet it still feels new. And since I tend to have a lot of “aha” moments, I would like to think I am learning them on another level as opposed to believing I am just too stubborn to learn.
As I have come to this Lessons In Layers theory, I began thinking of the lessons that I feel I have learned at least on the surface level. For instance, thoughts become things, positive thoughts=positive experiences, patience, letting go, allowing life to flow, etc. I truly believe those are things I have learned, or at least understand on some level and yet I find myself in situations where I realize them in entirely new ways. It can be both exciting and frustrating depending on how you view it (yet another layer) and yet I feel the same way about personal growth.
At one point in my life (more recent than I care to admit), I thought growing and evolving personally and spiritually was not only a journey, but one that actually had an end (before death of course). I thought I could hurry up and learn these lessons in order to get to a life of unfettered bliss. Some part of myself thought that my happiness would begin once all my dreams came true and I would finally be able to live happily ever after. And being the go-getter that I am, I found myself doing all I could to get there, only to find I was losing this beautiful journey by being caught up in a non-existent destination. If it wasn’t for a very dear, very wise friend of mine telling me (more than once) that life is about the journey and growth is happening all the time, I would likely still be pushing my way to the end..wherever that may be.
So where am I today? I am not at the end at all and I am ok with that, for the most part. I have accepted the fact that I am growing everyday and learning lessons in various layers, in various situations and times. I am learning to flow with life and sometimes I need a gentle reminder while other times I need a good bonk on the head to revive this important lesson. The most important part of where I am right now in life is my journey. I am coming to a place of presence in both mind, body, and spirit to how magnificent life is no matter what is going on. And while this is a lesson that will come and go, I am ok with taking it slow sometimes. Sometimes we just need to absorb our experiences with our entire being before we take another step and give thanks for the journey. I am learning that the journey is the best part…
This is one lesson that I have had to keep learning over and over. I want so badly to “arrive” and have all the lessons learned! And I keep learning again and again that it’s just not going to happen in this lifetime …