After last week where my son spent the week at home with me while I juggled my day job and side gigs, this week was extremely busy playing catch-up and planning for what is to come in October. After talking to a coach myself I managed to put my worries that were creeping up early in the month at ease and set a loose plan for what is to come.
Lesson: Loose planning helps maintain focus.
Earlier in the month I found myself getting a little concerned/worried about the future. In two months my day job will be ending and I have an incredible opportunity to choose what to do next. I can either find another 9-5 gig or leap fully into my dream life with my business and writing. The idea was becoming both exciting and scary. I found myself feeling many of the same feelings my clients do as they think about the ‘realistic’ situations and scenarios. With the help of my own coach I was able to come up with a loose plan to help me maintain my focus while still being open to the opportunities that may come. Having an action list has helped me let go of the “what if” scenarios and to stay focused on my ultimate goal. Needless to say I am feeling less stressed, positive, and far more productive than I was before.
Lesson: When you take action, momentum begins to build.
I noticed this week (and in weeks prior), that simple actions and thoughts quickly attracted more of the same. For instance, my worrisome thoughts led to other worries and negativity, while this week my positive and progress-oriented thoughts led to more of the same. When I began taking steps to implement my loose plan the momentum and motivation to do more, built and surprisingly enough my energy and inspiration increased. If that weren’t enough I found more opportunities, information, and wins flowing my way too. I soon realized that I was applying my own coaching philosophy to this particular situation…it just comes so naturally to me.
As I move into the weekend, I plan on continuing the momentum and enjoying a nice weekend. I hope you do the same and as always, thanks for reading!
Good advice!