If you caught my live stream on Friday you know I’m 100% utterly and completely DONE with the excuses.
Over the last few weeks I’ve been basically stuck in the rut of playing, thinking, and LIVING small.
In the name of being ‘busy’, just moving, not really feeling settled, traveling a lot and goodness knows what other excuses I’ve had, I’ve been SO LAZY about my vision.
I’ve been staying up late, sleeping in late, missing my work outs and just generally sabotaging my efforts left, right, and center. I’ll be honest though, there was a part of me that felt like I was entitled to this indulging behavior because it’s summer and there are a lot of other personal things going on.
But let’s be clear…that too is just an excuse.
Everyday I share my message about the importance of tapping into your power and sticking to your vision and playing BIG and here I am playing small. Teeny-tiny even!
I’ve not done anything to push my comfort zone limits and have been playing it way too safe. And you know what? I could FEEL it!
I had gotten a bit bored with myself. Aside from my amazing client calls and my work in the Miracle Mindset Immersion program, I found myself feeling a bit blase about life and my business.
With no real energy behind my vision OR inspiration to fuel me forward, I was just kinda boppin’ along in my own world until I got a HUGE message from the Universe on Friday in the form of a podcast interview just ‘randomly’ popping up on my phone. (You know how I feel about coincidences right?)
Well this interview with Lisa Nichols was JUST the message I needed to wake me up from this weird fuzzy in-between space I’ve been living in for the past few weeks.
It helped me realize I’ve not only been playing way too small in terms of my message, my passion, and my purpose, but also that I’ve been making a shit-ton of excuses like:
- I’m too busy. (Bullshit)
- I’m too tired. (Go to bed earlier.)
- I’m not sure what to do (Bullshit)
- I’m not ready (So what?)
- I’m confused (Bullshit)
- I might fail! (You also might succeed!)
- Oh but this is way more important…(Also bullshit)
Blah, blah, blah.
Now I am definitely not a hustler by any stretch of the imagination and I truly prefer to create from a space of flow as opposed to working 20 hour days, but the past few weeks have been just plain ridiculous.
I’m been playing it safe because…it’s comfortable? It’s easier? It meant I could binge on Netflix for more hours a day? (My guilty pleasure for sure!)
I’m not entirely sure the root cause, but what I can tell you is that I’m DONE.
You see, when I give up on myself and play (as Lisa Nichols put it) hopscotch with my comfort zone- in and back out, in and back out, I’m not only letting myself down, but I’m also letting YOU down.
I’m hiding my gift, my message, my vision, and I’m not helping nearly as many people as I know I am meant to help. So for that I apologize.
So…as we enter this new month (also my birth month-woohoo!) I am making a new commitment to YOU and to myself.
I’ve decided that this month is all about the massive action! #MassiveActionAugust if you will.
Starting TODAY I am setting the intention to show up and consciously, consistently, and continuously stretch myself outside of my comfort zone on a DAILY basis and I’m inviting you to join me.
It’s time to shake things up and get the energy and flow going again before we enter into the last quarter of 2016! So, if you’re not willing to give up on the idea of making 2016 the best year yet for you and you are ready to SHOW UP for yourself…let’s do this!
I want you to take MASSIVE ACTION beginning today. Actions that kick you out of your comfort zone, shake you up, and set you up for amazing success. You don’t have to know what you will do each day, just go with your intuition and share it on Facebook with the hashtag #MassiveActionAugust so I can see what you all are up to.
I’m not allowing the bullshit excuses to stop me anymore. My purpose, vision, and desires are too important and so are YOURS!
So what do you say? Let’s make #MassiveActionAugust blow up!!
If you’re in hit ‘reply’ and give me a HELL YEAH and share with me your first massive action!
And of course, if you’ve been thinking, tinkering, and toying with the idea of working with me let this be the day you take MASSIVE ACTION and schedule your consultation to see if we are a good fit.
P.S. To follow along with me and my own massive actions, hop on over to Facebook and make sure you are part of my tribe there!
Well, it so happens today that I decided to seek employment out of state. Then I read your blog on “7 Tips to Find Yourself When You’re Feeling Lost” because my divorce will be final and I am ready to move on. I figured, why not seek outside the box and move on, literally. I am so tired of being stuck and following the rules about running from your problems. I am not running but looking for a better life in a new directions. I contemplating moving out of state anyway so why not now. Being ready is the key and that is the point…I am ready!
PS: The reason I found you post in a search was that I was looking for a quote I created and wanted to see if it already existed.