I have been spending a lot of time in the last few weeks thinking about happiness and the components that make for a happy life. I have also thought about the unique experiences we all have of what “happiness” means for us. For some it may be a day full of productive activities while others view it as time spent with family, friends and what I have found is that happiness truly depends on one person alone and that is YOU.
We live in a society that often places emphasis on particular possessions, qualities, and other various things with the assumption that if only we had them we would finally be happy. The flaw in this thought is that no matter what you have or how much money you have, happiness is not something you reach and maintain forever more. The truth is that life happens and we have ups and downs. We have good times and not so good times that are less than what we believe to be as “happy” and we find ourselves blaming circumstances or people for our change in how happy we are. I am realizing that my happiness depends on me and it is something that not only takes practice, but it requires a certain amount of presence in order to maintain it.
For much of my life I wanted a life that would bring me love, a career with a purpose, and family and I thought once I had those things I would live “happily ever after”. How many of us have wanted a life similar to that right? Some look for their knight on a white horse, while others are searching for a pile of money to take all their worries away.
I am guilty of that way of thinking too. I have spent a good portion of my life looking toward a future event thinking that if only that happened then I would be happy only to find it didn’t exactly work out that way. I am learning each and every day to not only live in the moment, but to milk the happy moments as much as possible.
Take this weekend for instance. I had quite possibly one of the best weekends in a very long time. We celebrated our son’s 3rd birthday with his friends at daycare, had a fun party for him, and enjoyed Easter festivities as a family. My son laughed, smiled, and played all weekend while intermittently yelling “Birthday!” and singing “Happy Birthday” to himself. The weather was perfect and I couldn’t have been more grateful. I realized that while it was a special weekend for us, there was a lesson to be learned.
During one of the slower moments this weekend, I took our dogs out for a little walk and found myself looking at the world from a different view. The clouds were gorgeous, the trees were swaying in the perfect breeze, and the sun was warm on my face. I was at peace. Complete and total peace. For this moment, I didn’t have a care in the world. My list of never ending “to do’s” didn’t exist and worries about work, finances, or whatever else we worry about on a day to day basis disappeared. All I had in that moment was a full heart and an open and quiet mind. I was living a moment of gratitude. I gave a quiet thank you to the Universe for the moment, my son, and the beautiful weather we were having. I admired my surroundings and took a deep breath and as I was moving back toward our house it hit me. Every time we are feeling happy, joyful, grateful, loving, etc. we should take a moment to be fully in that moment. Feel it with our entire being and milk it for what it’s worth.
I could have rushed to take the dogs for a walk without being aware of my beautiful surroundings. I could have simply focused on what was next on our agenda in order to get it done, but then I would have not only missed this epiphany, but also an incredible connection to my happiness. If I had skimmed over the moment as we sometimes do, I would have likely been so caught up in the activities we had scheduled that I would have missed a wonderful opportunity to give thanks, be grateful, and fully in tune with the moment.
This weekend changed my thoughts on happiness. Not only do I truly understand the importance of being responsible for our own happiness, but I also value the importance of milking the happy moments for what they are. For if we are constantly rushing from one moment to the next without truly experiencing what this moment has to offer us, we are going to allow our lives (happiness and all) to slip through our fingers. And let’s face it, life is about living, loving, and learning on our journey, it is not a race to see who can make it to the end first.
If you don’t do so regularly, I challenge you to be more mindful of your happy moments this week and sit with those feelings for a while. Milk your happy moments for all they are worth.
Awesome post! I love the reminder that it all starts with me!! Thanks.