Ok, it’s time for me to get something off my chest. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently as I have been facing the BS (aka Blind Spot) that has been holding me back and I’m done with it!
The past two months have been pretty tough. The positive side of me wants to tell you all about the growth, the lessons, and the beautiful blessings in disguise and while there was a lot of that going on that’s not always how it felt. There is another part of me that remembers the worry, the fear, the frustration, and at times the overwhelming tears.In the midst of chaos at home, schedules being thrown out the window, and lots of change going on both personally & professionally, I was forced to face my BS…head on.
The BS I’m talking about is both bull shit & something you may know as my Blind Spot.Yep, in the middle of sharing with you how your BS can hold you back, mine was there waiting for me, trying desperately to get me to not only play small, but quit playing all together. (Funny how that happens right?) And once I realized what it really was that was holding me back in my business (with the help of another coach), I knew I had to share it with you.
So, here is my most recent experience coming face-to-face with my BS. My hope is that when you hear my story, you leave with a deeper understanding of how imperative it is to identify and clear your own Blind Spot and you have a bit more compassion for yourself. Regardless of who you are, what you do, or what area of your life is affected, we all have thoughts & beliefs that are holding us back in our careers, love, relationships, and life in general. And the best part of all: there is a way to identify and clear it!
Coming face-to-face with your BS isn’t fun or all that comfortable, but I assure you it is the first step to living that amazing, free-flowing, ever expanding life of your dreams. It is almost as if we believe we can’t or shouldn’t have it all, but as one of my favorite quotes says:
“We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”
~Marianne Williamson
Go be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous and clear the BS that is in your way! You have an amazing life of freedom and flow to live so hop to it!
I believe in you,
There will always be things that challenge us and sometimes make us feel like we want to give up. I know those feelings well.
I applaud your vulnerability. It’s good practice to figure out our blind spots, clean up our crud and get out of our own way. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Carol! We all have them and once we see them, clearing them is the easy part. 🙂