I find it interesting how many of us live in our heads. Our thoughts take over as we analyze our life options and choices to a point that we almost become obsessive. We weigh the pros and cons of our choices in order to make the right decision, all the while forgetting and simply ignoring how we feel. We have become so disconnected from our hearts that we often don’t even allow our feelings to register. We dismiss them as nothing more than an inconvenience to getting things done, but what if instead of making choices with our analytical monkey brains, we took a moment to feel each option?
In the past I have made my decisions based on logic and analysis. I graduated high school knowing that the next logical step was college. When I selected a major I decided on something that was feasible and somewhat interesting, though I had no idea what I truly wanted to do and when I found something that really hit an inspirational nerve with me, I ignored it. I continued down that path of “logical” thinking and decision-making for many years, though there were moments when I followed my heart and ignored my head. In those moments, there was no weighing my options, I simply knew what I needed to do yet more often than not, I worried, analyzed, and weighed my logical options. Options that seemed somewhat safe.
When I decided to set out on my own and throw myself a curve ball in my career plans, I developed a coaching model that is primarily based out of inspiration and how we feel. I found that in my own choices to not follow the logical path, I felt alive, inspired, and made incredible progress toward my dreams. I encourage my clients to do the same.
Follow your heart, your passion, and your bliss and if the logical path feels right, do that too.
We are moving beyond a world of people who are punching the clock to simply survive and into a world of creative souls fulfilling their deepest desires. My goal is to help those creative souls trust their instinct and their inspiration to do something that makes their heart sing. Life isn’t meant to be a struggle full of headaches and speed bumps. It’s meant to be enjoyed, experienced, embraced, and by golly it’s supposed to be FUN.
If you find yourself questioning your life purpose are wondering where your passion lies, just follow your heart and do things that make you happy.
The logical path isn’t the only path to your dreams though many times it is the most difficult. Instead of believing there is only one path available, be open to the idea that there are many paths that will lead you to the life of your dreams and if you lead with your heart and follow the inspirational nuggets along the way, any path you take will be wonderful and will likely fill your soul with more happiness than you ever imagined possible.
Still not sure how to get started? Feel free to contact me at lamisha@lifeoncedreamt.com for more information on how I can help you jump-start your dreams.
P.S. I will be holding a week of free introductory coaching calls in the coming weeks for those of you interested in working with me, so stay tuned for more information on that soon. I am so excited to begin working with dreamers like you who want to begin living the life you once dreamt sooner rather than later.
So excited for you as you step into this new venture! Blessings!!
Thanks Kenetha! I am excited too. Still learning and growing along the way but I am so happy to be on the path! I have been thinking of my own markers of success from your post today and when I have gotten my thoughts together I will comment.