I love when I get messages from the Universe that catch my eye and provide a bit of meaning to my current situation…that is when I take notice. Sometimes I don’t realize the meaning or impact of a quote, statement, or article until I look back, often kicking myself for not noticing it before. But, as I am learning, everything happens for a reason, even if we don’t know what that is.
Looking back over the last few weeks I noticed I had an eery feeling of discontent upon waking almost everyday. I didn’t have any particular worries on my mind and I couldn’t quite pinpoint the source. I would meditate, write in my journal, and compile my gratitude list to help combat this feeling, but I was never really able to get rid of it entirely. I have also been reading a lot. Books, quotes, articles, other blogs, and newsletters all with a similar theme. They became what I like to call “inspirational nuggets”, and while I really enjoyed the information, it didn’t really click. At least not right away.
The first post was from the When I Grow Up Coach website. It was about how Michelle Ward’s husband decided to quit his day job to venture into the freelance world. It’s a really great post and you can read more about it here. I read it and thought, “Gee I can’t wait to be able to do that. Of course I will have to do x, y, z first and then…”
The second post was a post from Tiffany Han that discussed achieving your dreams Someday vs Right Now. In my head my life coaching business has always been a someday kind of thing. Sure I want to do it and I know that it is what I am meant to do, but there are so many things I should do first…or at least that is what I kept telling myself. When I read this post, I was thought..”Sounds good but…” and I left it in my inbox to be read later.
I then received this post from The Green Bough which included the quote “I have spent my days stringing and unstringing my instrument while the song I came to sing remains unsung.” by Rabindranath Tagore. (Hmmm, do you see a theme here?) It was this post that got me to start waking up a bit, but I still wasn’t there yet.
I hadn’t quite gotten the full message until a few days later when I was having a conversation with one of my co-workers. She mentioned she had decided to go back to school to be a pre-school teacher. She had mentioned wanting to do something other than the work she was currently in and just saying she was going back to school caused her to overflow with excitement. I was so happy for her. I congratulated her and told her how I wish I could move forward with my dreams, primarily the life coaching dream. That is when she said, “You just gotta take the flying leap!”
The idea of a flying leap sounded freeing. It sounded exciting. It sounded like throwing my procrastination to the wind and finding another way for it to all work out. But how??? From the time I decided I wanted to be a life coach the logical step was to get training. In order to get training the logical step is to save for the training…you get the picture. It was then I realized I have far more power and knowledge than I am giving myself credit for.
From the time I graduated from college I have been talking to, encouraging, and inspiring co-workers and friends to follow their dreams. I started this blog for that very reason. I wanted to continue to inspire others through my journey. And while I thought there was something specific that I needed to learn in order to help people, I realized, I have been doing it for years already. So why not take my own flying leap and create my very own model of coaching and do what I love?
I couldn’t come up with a good reason not to, so I took the leap. I am currently working on a coaching model that I will use in my business. I am no longer waiting for the “right time” or for someday to come. I am choosing today and I must say it feels great. I am inspired and challenged, but most of all proud that I am taking control of my dreams.
One day soon, I can help you take control of yours too. (That sounds so good!)
You are going to find that you are more prepared for this leap than you anticipated, and this is only going to be all the more liberating. I am very excited for you!
I am very excited about it. I have been brainstorming a bit everyday and the pieces are coming together nicely. I’m not sure how long it will be before I have everything together, but I am just taking it one step at a time. 🙂
Yeah!! Congratulations!
Thanks Jenny! I am so excited about the journey ahead.