Chances are if you are reading this you are one of the purple people. I am not talking about the Oompa Loompa people from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory either.
When I say purple people, I am referring to the dreamers, healers, creatives, writers, and other artists of the world that Tama Kieves talks about in her book Inspired & Unstoppable. These are the people who dare to forge their own path to success and don’t need to follow in the steps of someone else. The truth is every person in the world can be a purple person, but for far too long we have been taught to follow tasks, plans, parameters, and success principles of others and have forgotten how to tap into our intuition and inspiration for guidance.
When was the last time you felt for the right decision instead of consulting some plan or to-do list that you have written down?
I have to say that when you are taught not to trust your own instincts it can be hard to believe in yourself to know what is the right way…for YOU.
I think I have always known that I was a ‘purple person’ or at least that I was different. Having done all the things I was supposed to do in life, I fully expected some moment when all the hard work would result in pure bliss, but something was always missing.
I used to say I had two parts of myself that struggled against one another. On one hand I was a responsible, level-headed, and logical person that was always striving to do what was “right”. On the other hand I had a free, creative, and adventurous spirit that was calling me to do something more. Whenever I had to make a decision the two parts collided to create a wave of confusion and frustration. I was stuck.
Even after making the choice to follow my own path and I began coaching others to do the same, I find the logical voice still creeps in during times of uncertainty.
Am I doing it the right way? Is this how a business is supposed to run? Do I have all the marketing and business know-how to succeed?
The answer is yes. Do I have all the answers I need right this very minute? Nope. But, I am ok with knowing and trusting that I will find my way as long as I stay open and true to my intuition. Things fall into place at exactly the right time and if it hasn’t happened yet, it’s not the right time…for me.
The same goes for you. You will know all that you need to. You will find your way and when you do, at first you might be amazed at how perfect it feels. You might even try following someone else’s path and direction first and realize how hard, frustrating, and forced it feels. That’s ok. It’s all part of the process, but once you tap into who you truly are and the amazing wisdom that lies within, things will be a lot more clear.
Will it always be easy?
No, but it will get easier as you move forward and I promise you, the “purple people” path is about passion, fire, and following your inspired heart.
If each step feels right for you and leads you to the very next step, how can it be wrong?
Trust yourself, your dreams, and your gifts. If you can do that all the steps in between will be clear.
This makes so much sense. No two people are alike, but I didn’t realize the fundamental difference. I feel the conflict between sensibility and passion all the time. A lot more now that I’m getting older and want to be more of my own person.
I think more and more people are venturing over to the passion side of things, but I can feel the conflict between my two “sides” still too. Practice makes better. 🙂 Thanks for commenting!
You are all so LOVELY!!!
Thanks Ginger! You are too 🙂