Yesterday I woke up feeling tired and worn out. At first I thought I was having just another case of the Monday’s. I later realized while it was Monday, that wasn’t what was going on at all.
I knew going into the week it would be busy. Appts. for my son, myself, and my partner were packing our schedule not to mention my day job and the midnight hustle responsibilities. Somehow on Sunday when I am normally mentally preparing for the week ahead, I had forgotten about the busy week. I was immersed both mentally and physically in nature as we spent time outdoors as a family doing yard work and playing. While that was a nice change of pace from what I am used to, I realized yesterday I was jumping ahead of myself and causing my mind to move far beyond the moment.
Fast-forward thinking is a bit of an epidemic in our society. Not only are we inundated with messages to go, go, go, but we are constantly looking for ways to get things done faster and to think ahead of where we are. In business we are constantly trying to do more in less time only to use the “extra” time to do even more. I was reminded of this yesterday as I was looking at all there was to do this week and feeling a bit overwhelmed. So much so, that I procrastinated on a few items. I just wasn’t feeling it. It hit me this morning that I was getting a much-needed pause.
How often do you take time to do nothing? When was the last time you decided not to plan your weekend? Have you ever just enjoyed a full day doing whatever made you feel good, without feeling guilty?
I have to say I don’t do that very often. I have talked about this before, but I am programmed to be a “do-er” at all times. I am constantly seeing the things that “should” be done, or the things that “need” to be done and find it difficult to just pause. I suspect many of us are in the same boat.
One thing that has really changed my thoughts on this and helped me realize the importance of the pause is a book I am reading by Renee Peterson Trudeau titled Nurturing the Soul of Your Family. While it is meant more for parents, there is also some great information about disconnecting from the busy lives we often live and reconnecting with ourselves and with family and friends. Taking time each week or each day to pause and become mindful of the moment can change your life. You may find you enjoy the pause so much that you experience more time. It is all about perception isn’t it?
When we are constantly trying to get things done and get to the end of our to-do list so we can finally breathe, we find the time passes so quickly and we don’t have as much time as we thought. But, when we take some time to pause and do what makes our hearts sing, we find time often stands still. Sure there are items on your list that will still need to be done, but I have learned a secret about life. We will always find something else to add to the to-do list, so it will never really be done. And if that is true (and I believe it is), then you aren’t doing anyone a disservice more than yourself when you don’t take time to pause.
I challenge you to take a moment today to truly pause in your action and thought. Become aware of your surroundings, your breath etc., and do something that makes you feel good. Maybe it is admiring the blue sky or really feeling the breeze on your skin, but whatever you do take a moment to pause.
What do you do to pause during your day? Share in the comments below, I would love to hear how you remember to pause.
That book sounds amazing! I will have to check it out.