Recently I have been on a super positivity kick. I have been focusing on the positive that surrounds me daily, making lists of things I am grateful for, and staying focused on the things I want to create and cultivate in my life. For the most part things are running smoothly. I am feeling good about where I am headed and am confident in the process and while some things seem to be moving slower than I want, I continue to bring my focus back to the present. I know all is well and all will be well. No worries.
Well almost no worries. While I have spent most of my time focusing on the positive, there have been moments (or many moments) when some negative thoughts creep in. I do my best to send them on their way by thinking more positive thoughts with the intention of staying in my positive frame of mind more and more each day. Naturally I thought my manifestation process would get easier and then today I hit a surprise speed bump.
Long story short, I had an “accidental” financial oversight that resulted in me being in the red by several thousand dollars. YIKES! I quickly called all necessary parties to get this matter resolved as quickly as possible, however in the back of my mind I kept thinking “What a dumb thing to do.” and “I can’t believe I did that!”. Needless to say my self-talk wasn’t all that great. I made a mistake and I was ok with it to some degree (provided it could be fixed), but the interesting part was the lack of emotional reaction I had.
In the past if something like this would have happened, I would likely have broken down into tears while anxiety took over my body. My mind would have been racing while my stomach twisted into knots and I would be in the throes of a serious reaction.
As I took a moment to step back from the situation, I realized even though this mistake does require some rearranging of resources and phone calls to hopefully get it all worked out, I have grown. I took the situation and responded accordingly without reacting to it negatively. Sure I was concerned about the mistake, but I was able to take it in stride. Something I would not have been able to do a year ago.
I suppose this “accident” was a way for me to realize I am making progress in my personal growth and though all of the manifestations are not here right now, I am becoming an overall more positive person.
So the next time you hit a surprise speed bump on your journey to your dreams, take a step back and see what it is telling you. Is it evidence of changes you are making along the way, or is it a warning to focus more on the happiness you have now? Either way I think you will find there is an underlying lesson.
Bravo! Keep your eyes on the dream(s).
Thanks Jenny! Still moving forward. 🙂