Every single day I speak with women all over the world who are feeling just plain stuck in life. They dream of an amazing life with lots of love, abundance, beautiful experiences, and adventure only to find they have no clue how to make it happen.
When we first chat, they list all the things they’ve tried to make their dreams a reality. They’ve pushed, pulled, planned, and done everything they can think of to make their desires real, but find that something is stopping them along the way.
The thing I notice about all of these scenarios is that the reasons these amazing women aren’t living a life they absolutely love has nothing to do with action and has everything to do with things they just can’t see.
If you are in the same boat or have found yourself in a similar situation before it’s likely because of one of these 5 reasons.
- You don’t believe it’s possible. We all have had some bullshit story about why what we desire isn’t possible. It might be so far outside what you’ve actually accomplished in your life that you just don’t see any way that what you desire could come to fruition and even though you dream of it becoming your reality, there is a bit of doubt about whether it can actually happen. The answer is this: Yes it can and will happen, but ONLY when you decide it’s possible.
- You’re letting fear lead the way. Fear is a f–king liar and it will try to convince you more often than not that what you are attempting to do is not safe or smart. It will try and convince you of all the reasons it won’t work instead of highlighting all the magical ways it will. Fear feeds off your insecurity (see #1) and the best way to combat that is to take a step forward despite the fear and prove to yourself over and over again that it’s not as scary as you think.
- You think you need to know all the steps from where you are to where you are going. As much as you would like to believe that you are 100% in control at all times and have the power to find the best possible route to your dream life, the truth is you don’t. All you need to do is take the next step and trust that the Universe is going to inspire the one after that. You only have the capacity to see 1 possible way your dreams can become reality and it’s likely not even the best way. The Universe on the other hand has so many amazing resources at its disposal and can orchestrate connections, opportunities, and chance meetings you never imagined. Let go of the how and just listen to your intuition.
- You are stuck in your current reality. Your current reality is merely an indication of where your thoughts have been in the past. It in no way means that what you desire is impossible or improbable unless you decide to continually reflect on what is right in front of you instead of focusing on where you want to be. When you stop playing the victim to your current ‘reality’ you make a new reality possible and the Universe paves the way for you to make your life amazing.
- You think it has to be hard and self-sabotage when things get too good. You likely were taught that everything comes with a price tag and if you want to live the life of your dreams you have to work hard. That’s a lie. Do you have to be persistent? Yes. Do you have to be willing to believe in yourself when others don’t? Yes, but that in no way means it has to be hard. When things get easy and you manifest circumstances that feel amazing with ease, you may also find yourself sabotaging the situation to shake things up a bit. Because honestly, who are we without problems to solve and challenges to overcome? Let the good things be good and the easy things be easy. I guarantee there will be other problems for you to solve, so don’t mess with the good stuff to make yourself feel more comfortable.
The truth is there are lots of reasons we aren’t always creating the life experience we want and if you are finding yourself struggling with one or more of the above, it’s time to get some support.
Reach out and schedule a FREE 30-Minute Consultation below and let’s have a chat about how I can help you clear the junk holding you back and help you step more fully into the amazing life you deserve.