****Happy Hump Day Dreamers! Today we have a wonderful Dream Changer piece by the inspirational and very creative Nancy Pigno from Creative Abundance. This is one story that will make you dust off your own idea book and get busy. Enjoy!****
“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” These words were spoken by Thomas Edison years ago, obviously, but they just reached my ears today. When I heard them I stopped dead in my tracks.
These words spoke directly to me.
Not that I am a genius. That’s not it.
I get inspired though. You know the phenomenon. You get a great idea, right? And then, you let it go, for there is laundry to be folded and lunches to be made. Life demands a certain amount of effort or it threatens to fall into chaos. And it is easy to move your dreams and ideas aside to tend to your daily responsibilities. The idea is forgotten, until weeks, months, maybe years later, when you suddenly remember it. What a good idea that was! You wonder what would have happened had you followed it. More laundry. More lunches. Other great ideas come, too. You have lots.
Laundry. Lunches. Life.
We cannot act on all of our great ideas, of course. It isn’t realistic. So, we should not beat ourselves up for letting ideas go. I just read an article about someone who is trying to start a new business every single week for a year. I wonder about this experiment. It doesn’t seem a recipe for success unless he truly has vast resources and can delegate much of the work out. Seems like it would be hard to focus, hard to manage, hard to juggle it all.
We don’t have to act on everything. It’s okay to let ideas go or to store them in a special notebook labeled, “Great Ideas” or whatever strikes your fancy, so that we don’t lose them entirely. Collecting inspiration is good, but the genius is in the action: taking an idea out of that special notebook and bringing it to life.
I am doing a monthly theme over at my blog, the Creative Abundance Café. I have enlisted the help of other creatives and together we are dishing up helpings of Perseverance. Perseverance pep-talks are important because that ninety-nine percent of genius, the sweat-work part, is riddled with moments when giving up seems very attractive.
When I was invited to write this piece, my Dream Changer story, my immediate thought is that I would talk about my journey into becoming a creativity coach, setting up a business, or my book-writing aspirations. But that’s not the essence of it. Simply put, I am changing my life by the simple fact that I am daring to take ideas out of the “Great Idea” notebook and am taking action towards bringing them into being.
This is a big deal to me. It isn’t an easy road. It is full of moments of doubt and discouragement. It takes courage and it takes perseverance. This is the truth of it. It is universal. That is why so many people were eager to rally at the Café. We are cheering one another along because making your dream, changing your life, bringing something new into being, or following a great idea, is worth it.
It is worth every ounce of sweat, all ninety-nine percent.
Having a life of CREATIVE ABUNDANCE is about connecting with and believing in your CREATIVE SPIRIT, the part of you that dreams big and believes that you can do whatever you set your mind and heart to. Nancy J. Pigno brings her training as a Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach, in Kaizen-Creative NLP and as a Modern-Day Muse Facilitator together with her Masters in Dance Education, Massage Therapy training and Certificate in Somatics Movement Therapy, to offer 1:1 coaching, workshops, and writings, designed especially for creative people with big dreams.
Website: http://www.creative-abundance.net/
Blogsite (The Café): http://www.creative-abundance.net/blog/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creativea
Email: nanodance@creative-abundance.net