Have you ever had the experience of being in a situation, job, relationship, or circumstance that you simply wanted to get out of? Maybe you wanted it to move in another direction or you wanted to have a different outcome. Simply put, you were in one place, but you desperately wanted to be in another without knowing how to get there.
I think we all have had that experience. I know I have had that many times especially when it came to my job. At one point (not too long ago) I was working for a company that was ok, but I couldn’t get over how demeaning, mean, and completely unfair my boss was. My daily focus was how much I wanted to leave that place and yet no matter how many resumes I sent out I couldn’t seem to land another job. At one point my focus for what I wanted next was so diminished I would have taken anything just to leave the toxic environment I was working in. Unfortunately I couldn’t just quit with nothing else lined up so I stayed.
I was on the job hunt for over a year all the while I woke up each morning with anxiety and dread as I made my way into work. I couldn’t get over how uncomfortable the place was. Then one day something happened. I stopped looking for another job. I don’t know if it was out of pure frustration or because I had accepted my fate, but I stopped. I decided to find something to do in addition to my work there that would make me happy.
That thing was writing.
I began writing greeting cards and dabbled with some freelance work that I have continued 3 years later and I am so happy I did. Not only was I more inspired to write, but I had somehow made peace with where I was. Not too long after that point my horrific boss (though she was nice as a person) left the company.
Poof! One day she was gone. I thought that was the absolute best thing that could happen, but it gets better.
A few months later I received a call from a former co-worker with a potential job offer. A job I hadn’t even been looking for! A job that turned out to be more money than I was making and would allow me to work from home. I had always toyed with the idea of working from home, but I had no idea how that would be possible. Not only that, but it turned out to be the perfect scenario since my partner and I knew we would be moving in the next few months out-of-state. I knew if I didn’t have a job lined up I would have to stay behind to keep my job and now I didn’t have to do that at all. My job moved with me!
It turned out to be the perfect situation and in it I learned a very valuable lesson.
When you make peace with your starting point, the Universe can work on your behalf to bring things to you that will move you toward your heart’s desire no matter how big it seems.
The moral of this story is this…
Stop struggling with where you are now for it is just your starting point. Make peace with it and find some way to appreciate and enjoy where you are now. When you do, you will be amazed at the opportunities that unfold before your very eyes. Opportunities you may never have thought possible.