I am coming out of my cranky fog and realizing I learned some pretty hefty lessons this week. While it wasn’t the most progress-oriented week I have ever had, it is certainly one heavy in life lessons.
Lesson: Opportunities come with many faces, the key is accepting them even when they are in disguise.
After learning that my current full-time gig would be coming to an end at the end of this year, I recently heard that many other employees were given their pink slip with only 2 weeks to spare. This shocking news puts a lot of people in some seemingly tough situations as they plan for what is to come. Some are worrying about how they will pay the bills and take care of their families (understandably so), but I can’t help but see this as an opportunity to move into something better. In fact, one of my coworkers is thinking of following a passion she has had for many years, to which I responded “YES, Do that!!” As the saying goes, when one door closes another one opens and I believe that 100%. It seems we are moving into a time when doing what we are “supposed” to do is not only uninspiring and boring, but it isn’t what we are meant to do.
Opportunities are popping up in some fun, exciting, sometimes shocking ways to get your attention, so listen up! See the opportunity and be grateful that you have an opportunity to do something different. And should you find yourself in a similar lay-off position, by golly take it as a blessing and a sign to move onward and upward. The unknown can be scary, but it is also exciting to know that something better is coming only you get to decide what that is! So watch as the faces of opportunities appear around you and respond accordingly by following your inspiration. And don’t forget what I wrote yesterday…don’t borrow trouble!
Lesson: Be open to negative emotions and feelings and they will easily float on by. Fight them and they hang on for dear life.
This lesson came full force yesterday in the midst of my gray cloud of confusion. I had this icky feeling I couldn’t pinpoint and I wanted nothing more than to move on from the down feeling it was leaving me with. Only when I stopped fighting it and stopped trying to rationalize it was I able to be open to it fully. I didn’t try to change it or soothe it, I simply allowed it to be and an amazing thing happened. It quickly began to loosen its grip on my mood and as the sun set, I was feeling better.
The next time you feel an icky, less than ideal feeling and you can’t quite figure it out, try being open to it instead of fighting it. The more you fight, the more power you give to the mood/negativity that you are trying to avoid and by allowing it to flow through you, you create a path for it to float peacefully away.
What lessons have you learned this week?
I hope you have a lovely weekend and as always thank you for reading!