When it comes to doing mindset work, it’s a two pronged process.
MOST people know it as “thinking happy thoughts” and “being more positive”, but that only lasts a little while before the mindset gremlins jump in and attack all the positive thinking you’ve been doing.
You see, most people don’t think about doing the dirty work of mindset transformation.
Digging into the old, worn out, sabotaging beliefs that are holding you back. They forget they are there and think that they can simply cover them with more positive thoughts to balance things out.
That’s simply not true.
In order to transform your life, you have to be willing to do the dirty work.
The digging. The uncovering. The illuminating.
Often times just giving those thoughts and gremlins a voice, you can weaken their power over you and your path. By simply recognizing them, you open up the awareness to begin the shift.
The true shifts occur as you realize the ONLY reason your old beliefs were true is because you BELIEVED them.
So, what if you believed something else?
What if you could step into a new reality and believe the exact opposite of what you believe now?
What would that look like for you?
It would look like a new life, new reality, and new experiences born seemingly instantly. It would appear as though your new reality was manifesting before your very eyes and the only way to keep it that way is to reprogram your beliefs to EXPECT this new reality to remain normal for you.
You can’t shift beliefs you don’t know you have.
- If you are having money issues (not enough, lots of debt etc.) then you must look at what you think and believe about money.
- If you are having issues with love and relationships (cheating partners, always feeling lonely etc.) then you must look at what you think and believe about love and relationships.
You can’t change what you are unaware of so doing the dirty work of mindset transformation is KEY.
Have you done it lately?
If you are reading this, you probably haven’t because it’s uncomfortable and scary. No one willingly goes into the dark cave to excavate the sleeping bears and bats do they?
They do if they want to create a new space filled with light, love, and joy.
Has your mindset work consisted mostly of “thinking happy thoughts” and “being more positive?”
If so, you likely aren’t seeing huge shifts in your life. Unless you are willing to do the knitty gritty work that comes with mindset transformation, you aren’t going to see lasting changes in your life.
BUT…if you are brave enough to do the dirty work AND the light work then you will see instant shifts in your life.
If you’ve never done mindset work and you are completely fed up with being and feeling stuck in a rut then I invite you to join us for the Miracle Mindset Immersion program.
This program is designed to not only do the dirty work of mindset transformation, but it also allows you to develop a mindset that is life giving, supportive for your new reality. Through this 4 week program you will uncover, delete, disprove and transform your beliefs in ways you never thought possible, but beyond that you will begin to see instant shifts in your current reality and that is priceless.
The program begins on Monday and I’ve just added an extended payment option that makes it an easy yes. So what do you say? Are you in?