I know what you’re thinking. No one chooses to be stuck. It just happens.
Sure, life happens and there may be certain circumstances that lead you to feeling stuck, but YOU are always in control of how long you stay there. It’s a choice.
That may sound a bit harsh, but it’s true.
No matter where you are or what your life circumstances are right now, you always have options.
- There is no such thing as being “stuck” between a rock and a hard place.
- There is no such thing as having NO options.
- There is no such thing as STUCK.
Now, there are some people reading this who would beg to differ.
But Lamisha…
“I’m stuck in a dead-end job that I hate and there are no other options for me.”
“I’m stuck in a loveless marriage, but I don’t see any way out.”
“I’m stuck in debt and I’m so far in, there’s no way I can make enough money to get out.”
“I’m stuck in feeling worthless and hopeless and I’ve tried it all!”
“I’m stuck!!!”
Stuck is a feeling, but it’s not your reality unless you choose for it to be. (Go back and read that sentence again…it’s important.)
I know this because I’ve been there.
–> I’ve been in the dead-end job with no options, no hope, and no viable way to escape.
–> I’ve been in the loveless relationship, but didn’t feel like I could leave because I had no self-worth.
–> I’ve felt the dark night of the soul with no vision or hope for the future as far as I could see and you know what…it ALL felt so REAL.
Back then, you couldn’t tell me STUCK wasn’t real. (In fact, I’d be pretty pissed if you told me that back then, because that’s who I WAS and to me it was as real as it gets.)
I get it.
But, what I now know is that in all of those situations I had choices that I wasn’t willing to make and a mindset that caused me to shrink my thinking to only what I could see in front of me.
Back then, I lived a very small life and it took me YEARS to get out from under my limited view of the world and to do the mindset work to believe in unlimited possibilities and KNOW that no matter where I am or what I am going through, I always have a choice.
I can choose STUCK or FREEDOM.
I can choose to feel HOPELESS or HOPEFUL.
I can choose to be UNWORTHY or WORTHY.
I can choose DOUBT or FAITH.
And you know what? NONE of that has anything to do with what is going on outside of me.
Not my relationship, business, bank account, or the man who runs this country, because I always have a choice.
Do I choose to feel stuck, hopeless, unworthy, and doubtful from time-to-time…you bet I do. I’m human.
But I don’t stay there long because I know it doesn’t yield the life I choose to live.
When I finally figured out what mindset work was all about and what people actually meant by “think happy thoughts” (it’s so much more than that), my life transformed!
- I had a dream job that literally fell out of the sky and into my lap.
- I ditched the bad relationship(s) (there were many) and found my soulmate.
- I climbed out of the dark night and into the light, knowing that while at times I may have feelings of unworthiness creep in, my truth is that I AM worthy of everything I desire.
And that was just the beginning….
There is always an action you can take to move you forward and shake you free from whatever thought habits have you feeling stuck.
That’s what your mindset is ya know…thought HABITS.
You’ve grown so accustomed to telling the same story over and over again that it is now your default setting. But like any amazing piece of technology, you can always override the default and your mind is no different.
Make the choice and follow it up with action because you’ve been “stuck” for far too long. Am I right?
Wondering what action to take? How about committing to get your mindset habits on track and break Free From Stuck??
If you’re ready to choose differently and would like some 1:1 support to make that happen, check out my Free From Stuck 30 day program.
If you’re ready to choose freedom, sign up for your free 30-minute consultation now to see if we are a good fit. I currently have 2 openings for this program for the month of April, so if you’re interested, let’s chat.