I seem to be in the remedial school of life these days, learning and re-learning lessons that I thought I had mastered long ago (ok well some of them might be a few months old, but who’s counting?). Last week I was going through a particularly emotional lesson and now I have reached the sunrise or clarity portion of that lesson.
Here’s what I have learned.
- I have the POWER to create the life and reality of my dreams. I believe in that so much that I built a business around this exact idea. In fact it’s not an idea, but instead a truth. A truth that applies to you too. YOU have the power to create whatever it is you want. You just have to decide what you want, hold the intention, and take inspired action.
- I may not have the skills and connection that others have, but that does not discount my abilities to do the work I love. I have unique abilities that allow me to connect to and with the exact people I should be connecting with. Our differences are beautiful and our gifts are unique. It’s what makes this world amazing. And being my true authentic self is the best (and truly the only) way to serve my clients. This article shares my lesson on being the authentic expert.
- The intuitive guidance that led me to my business was not wrong and it is the same intuitive guidance that I have been discounting for the past few months. Sure, there are many things I still need to learn, but if something doesn’t sit right with me intuitively, it’s not for me. I’m ok with that and you should be too.
- I am surrounded by amazingly talented women who are doing incredible things in the world. I support them, uplift them, and celebrate their magnificence and I know that their brilliance has no effect on what I am doing or not doing. Their success doesn’t cause my demise and vice versa. We are connected. Period. And the success of one creates a vortex of power for others.
- When I am in my power, standing in my truth, and sharing who I really am, I have more of an impact on those around me. This post is a perfect example of how passion, purpose, and authenticity can come together to create an amazing inspirational energy that can’t be denied.
- I also know that this very moment with all of its lessons is completely perfect. I am living the life of my dreams and everyday I am closer to more expansion, creation, and success. The key to all of that is inspired action. And the inspiration behind the action comes from intuition. You have it too, so stand in that power and trust your gut to tell you who to hire, what to do, and where to go.
- Last but not least, I am uncovering more and more of who I really am which is allowing me to reach more women, inspire change, and support the dreams of others. This life of mine is amazing! Not because of money, numbers, or crazy success. Not at all. It’s amazing because I am doing what I love, making a difference, and learning lessons along the way.
Should you find yourself going through lessons you thought you learned, never fear. A perfect life is not without lessons. A ‘perfect’ life is the life you are living right now with lessons, love, connection, dreams, and a lot of growth.