Simply put, “umbrella” beliefs (as I call them) are non-specific beliefs that cover a variety of aspects in life. These beliefs are powerful, potent and pack a punch when you add them into your daily practice.
Here are a few that I use consistently & find super helpful with my own mindset work. Feel free to take them, tweak them and use them as you feel called.
✨The better it gets, the better it gets. (The better what gets? Everything, always, constantly.)
💫Everything is working perfectly for me right this second. (What is? Everything, always, even when it seems like it’s not.)
✨There’s only up and up. (What goes up? All the good stuff, everything, always, only.)
💫I let it all be easy. (What? Everything.)
✨I always know what to do.
💫I am guided and supported every day, in every way.
I also have a few questions and statements I use to create a bit of a shift in my life as well. Things like…
–> How does it get any better than this?! (Applies to all things & serves as a challenge for the Universe to show me exactly how. This can be used when things are great or when things feel not so great. Either way it works.)
–> Universe, show me... (Show me how easy it can be. Show me the money. Show me how it all gets to work in my favor.) This works for virtually everything and also serves as a bit of a challenge. Say it, think it, write it and let it go.
There are so many ways to build your mindset and create beliefs that soon become truths you live your life by. What you choose doesn’t matter as long as it resonates for you and you practice them daily by saying, reading or writing them.
Give these umbrella beliefs a try and see how they resonate for you. Do you have a few beliefs that really resonate for you? If so, I’d love to hear them!
One more thing…
Remember, mindset is less about what you say and more about how the words make you FEEL. It’s how you BE (terrible grammar but you get the idea) when you say them…who you are becoming and the ENERGY that you hold from that place.
Your energy attracts what you are putting out.
Your vibes call it in what you are a match for.
Your frequency creates your life based on who you are BE-ing.
So yes…it’s Mindset & Energy that creates the power for you to be, have, and do all that you desire.
Are you ready to dig into the energetics of your expansion in order to CREATE differently?
If so…send me a msg because I’ve got something I’ll be announcing soon that you don’t want to miss!
In the meantime try the umbrella beliefs I shared above and let me know how they work for you!
Big love to you all!