It seems that comparisons have become commonplace in our society and have somehow become the ruler by which all other things are measured. For instance, if you are a new actress or author, the media makes every attempt to put you in a box with others that are like you. It makes sense that we have gotten used to this metric and have since taken to measuring our own successes and experiences by those of others in a similar situation, however I can’t help but feel like this has become a huge detriment to our ability to stand out and find success in our uniqueness.
The truth is we all have our own gifts we bring to the world and while some say everything has already been done, we bring our own flavor and experiences to everything we do. No two writers, actors, business owners, coaches, or athletes are the same, so why do we constantly compare ourselves to others in order to define our greatness? When did it become so important for us to keep up with the Joneses in our attributes, successes, and bank accounts?
I’m not sure when this became commonplace, because to be honest it has been a common theme in my life. Everything from my dance background in high school to my current business plans have been surrounded by the idea that I had to live up to someone else’s measure of success or else I would be deemed a failure. I know I am not alone in this and yet I know better.
I know that what I do in my business, what I offer by way of my own coaching, and my writing are all extensions of my own creative mind. A mind that is like none other and a mind that brings a unique essence and life experience with it. If I know better intellectually, why do I/we continually compare our gifts and talents to those of others?
The answer? Because that is what we have been taught by society, by our teachers, and many of us by our parents because they were taught the same thing.
The great thing about learning something is that with a little re-framing and re-learning we can change those habits into something different. We can move away from thinking that in order to find our worth or define our greatness that we must measure up to the number of published articles, the thousands of dollars in sales, or the number of clients someone else has.
Your worth and greatness are only defined by your own unique gifts. And I am here to tell you that no matter how “professional” or “successful” someone else appears, they weren’t always that way AND they don’t have your unique life experience and flavor you bring to your craft. That is yours alone.
So the next time you find yourself comparing yourself to someone and feeling less than the next guy, remember you are worthy of living the life of your dreams and only YOU can bring your magnificent gifts to this world. Never forget that!
Absolutely agree. Takes some courage to celebrate our own uniqueness – but feels so good. I’ve spent a lifetime teaching that idea to kids.
I agree and it becomes a lesson that we often learn over and over again in different ways.