When I first set out to create my blog, I had this idea to keep most posts upbeat and positive. I wanted this to be a place of inspiration, motivation, and information to help people move confidently in the direction of their dreams. I wanted it to be a space of uplifting posts, quotes, and tips to help readers focus on the positive. As a life coach, I thought it was my duty to keep things light, bright, and positive all the time.
I was wrong.
What I think makes me good at what I do is the fact that I am human and I struggle with many of the same issues my clients do. I have bad days full of frustration, doubt, and sometimes fear. I have had my experience with the Dream Crusher on more than one occasion, and there are days when I need to be reminded that I have the power and ability to live the life of my dreams.
I don’t always pounce out of bed with a beaming smile and positive attitude. Sometimes I try too hard and more often than not, I need to take a step back from the immediate issue and look at the bigger picture. My life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. I often struggle with disappointment and worry as I move through my journey and instead of sharing those moments with you, I have remained silent.
There have been many days when I wanted to share something uplifting, but I simply wasn’t in that state of mind and instead of sharing with you my perspective and how I am learning to deal with various situations, I write nothing at all. I have allowed my idea of being a super-human up-lifter get in the way of sharing my authentic self with you. For that I am sorry.
Does it make me any less of a coach to confess that I don’t always have it together? I don’t think so. In fact, I think it makes me a more effective coach because I know what it is like to have down moments in life. We all do. And while I admit to having my fair share of struggles, I also have a variety of tools that I use to help combat those not-so-positive moments and they are tools that I want to share with you.
The truth is I love what I do. I love working with people and helping them follow their inspiration to live the life of their dreams, but I don’t want to misrepresent myself in the process. I am an up-lifter that sometimes needs to be uplifted and I’m ok with that, because isn’t that what life is all about? It’s not about being perfect, it’s about learning, sharing, and experiencing life as much as possible. And I have to say, if it wasn’t for the struggles I have (and will) encounter in life, I wouldn’t be able to help my clients deal with their own, because sometimes you have to go through it to understand it.
I think it makes you more credible! Peppy oversimplifications of life and what comes with it drive me nuts. Thank your for no “recipes” for a happy life, etc. I appreciate today’s post!
Well said–we are all REAL people. We don’t leave trails of glitter behind us as we walk. Good for you! Keep it REAL!
Thanks Megan! 🙂